
(福建省水文地质工程地质勘察研究院,福建漳州 363000)
【摘要】为解决城区基坑支护面临周边建筑密集、市政道路管线众多、允许占地空间受限所引发的基坑支护问题,以扩大头锚索、可回收锚索、SMW 工法结合具体工程实例进行阐述,从方案的优化选择、施工工艺、应用效果等三个方面进行相关研究工作,充分论证扩大头可回收锚索与 SMW 工法桩复合支护技术在城区软弱土地层或深厚细砂层适用性。
【关键词】 扩大头可回收锚索;SMW 工法;基坑支护
【中图分类号】TU 94 2
doi: 10.3969/j.issn. 1007-2993.2021.01.004
Application of SMW Construction Method Pile with Retractable Enlarged Head Anchor Cable in Foundation Pit Support
Chen Yongjin
(Fujian Institute of Hydro geological Engineering Geological Investigation,Zhangzhou363000,Fujian,China)
[Abstract]In order to solve the problem of urban foundation pit support caused by the dense surrounding buildings,numerous municipal roads and pipelines,and the limited occupied space,the constriction methods of enlarged head anchor cable, retractable anchor cable and SMW are introduced combined with specific engineering examples.Relevant research work are carried out from three aspects of scheme optimization,construction technology and application effect.The application of composite support technology of retractable enlarged head anchor cable and SMW pile in soft soil layer or deep fine and layer in urban area is discussed.
[Key words] retractable enlarged head anchor cable; SMW; foundation pit support