exons (n=20,245 genes) core promoters (n=20,245 genes, where a core promoter is the interval [−250,+250] bp from any transcription start site (TSS) of a coding transcript of the gene, excluding any overlap with coding regions) 5’ UTR (n=9,576 genes) 3’ UTR (n=19,502 genes) intronic regions flanking exons (n=20,212 genes, represents any intronic sequence within 75bp from an exon, excluding any base overlapping with any of the above elements. ncRNAs (n=10,684, full length lincRNAs, miRNAs or rRNAs) enhancers (n=194,054) ultra-conserved regions (n=187,057, a collection of regions under negative selection based on 1,000 genomes data
CpG Islands, Repetitive Elements, gene upstream2k, first exon, first intron, internal exons, internal introns, last exon , downstream2k
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