英国照搬上海数学教材 网友激辩

背景音乐:Ed Sheeran - Shape of You


The Guardian/英国卫报:

Chinese maths textbooks to be translated for UK schools

British students may soon study mathematics with Chinese textbooks after a “historic” deal between HarperCollins and a Shanghai publishing house in which books will be translated for use in UK schools.


Dorothy Granville

It’s not the textbooks. It’s mainly uncompromising parents and the long hours spent cramming every day.


This will not help British children catch up or bridge the gap with Chinese children. The idea that there is something inherently but unqualifiably magical in their teaching methods or textbooks is not sound. Number systems in Mandarin and other Asian languages are logical (eg figure for 15 is 10 + 5, not teen + fif) but English is not. So we have eleven and not ten-one, twelve and not ten-two, thirteen and not ten-three, etc. Why fifteen and not fiveteen? Children have already fallen behind before mastering these illogical oddities. The finest textbooks in the world will not help overcome this hurdle.

sorencamusjames @chelsnow14

THAT"S IT...the reason UK is behind in math is because English grammar & syntax is unhelpful!!

I'm amazed on a daily basis by the nonsense that people spout here.

Juliawhyte  @sorencamusjames

That is NOT nonsense. Many years ago a Chinese friend of mine explained just that, and it made complete sense to me.

textbook 教科书

publishing house 出版社

uncompromising 不妥协的;不让步的

cram 填鸭式学习;死记硬背

catch up with 追赶上

bridge the gap 弥补差距

inherent 内在的

quantity 数量

quality 质量;性质

quantitative research 定量研究

qualitative research 定性研究

unquantifiable 不可定量的

unqualifiable 不可定性的

sound 健全的;可靠的

Mandarin (中文)普通话

fall behind 落后

master 掌握;精通

oddity 怪人;怪事

hurdle 障碍

syntax 句法

spout 喷


一年 199¥

半年 139¥

