
昨天壮壮说,学校考了MAP Use of English,他考砸了,很多语法名词他不知什么意思,没学过,题不会做。

可气的是以前明明抓过的!壮壮在国内已经通过EFL教材学过两轮语法,7岁时一轮,10岁时一轮。10岁准备FCE考试时,老师把英语里所有的语法都串讲过了。可现在的壮壮似乎已把当时学的,都还给老师了。我是不是该对培训班说:Iwant my money back!?
  • WritingProcess
Students use skills to write, draft,revise, edit, and proofread. 这种题没见过,倒是可以练改作文
Your classjust fi nished studying rivers. Your teacher has assigned you towrite a research paper that further explores rivers. Which of thefollowing would be the best researchquestion? 
1. What isyour favorite river?
 ✓ 2. How are the Nile and Amazon riversdi erent? 
3. Where isthe world’s longest river? 
4. How manytimes has the Nile River fl ooded?
You arewriting a paragraph about how you felt one time when you wereswimming. 
Once I wasswimming because I was sad, and I swam as fast as I could, but Iwas still sad. I felt like crying. I used to swim to be thefastest, but not anymore. Now I swim to be healthy. I really wantto be a lawyer because they help people. By swimming, you stay inshape, and you can grow up to be a healthyperson. 
Which is thebest way for you to revise your draft?
 ✓ 1. Stay on the subject. Take out thesentence about wanting to be alawyer. 
2. Explain whyyou wanted to be the fastestswimmer. 
3. Change someof the words so you sound more like alawyer. 
4. Introducethe paragraph with a sentence that explains why good health isimportant.
Read theinformation. 
Mike beganthis persuasive essay for his English class. There is a mystery atour school today. We are being subjected to a poison. This schoolwas built over eighty years ago. Back then, less was known aboutproper building materials. This means that the school was builtwith asbestos. A peer reviewer gave this feedback to Mike: I likethe opening paragraph, but think that the word “mystery” in the first sentence could be replaced with a more appropriate word thatdescribes the current situationbetter. 
Which revisionbest incorporates the feedback from the peerreviewer? 
1. There is ascene at our school today. 
✓ 2. There isa problem at our school today. 
3. There is acrime at our school today. 
4. There is apest at our school today
  • Writing Types andPurposes
Students recognize di erent types ofwriting and understand their purposes. 写作知识
Thesesentences form a paragraph. Which is the topicsentence? 
1. Paintingthe window frames will take twice as much time as painting thewalls. 
2. A goodbrush and an extension ladder arenecessary. 
✓ 3. The mosttime-consuming job in painting a house is painting thetrim. 
4. The personwho thinks the job is half done when the walls are fi nished is infor a surprise.
What does theconclusion to a report do? 
1. states whatyou plan to discuss in the writing 
2. lists thesources used 
3. focuses ona specifi c supporting detail 
✓ 4. leavesthe reader with a clear understanding of the report
Which is thebest thesis for a persuasive essay on World WarI? 
1. World War Ibegan in 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand wasshot. 
2. Americatried to stay neutral when World War Ibegan. 
3. World War Itook place across Europe and Africa, lasting four longyears. 
✓ 4. World WarI was inevitable due to many complicating factors.
  • Grammar andUsage
Students understand the conventionsof grammar and usage. 从例题来看,有些语法名词是难,比如这个pronounantecedent agreement
Which sentencecontains a double negative? 
1. Ron isseldom late for a meeting. 
2. You shouldhesitate before raising your voice. 
✓ 3. Thecomedian didn’t say nothingfunny. 
4. The cakecan’t bake in a cold oven.
Read the draftof Talia’s paragraph. 
The tallestmountain in the world is Mount Everest. Its elevation is 29,029feet. It was summited in 1953 for the fi rst time. Talia wants tocombine these statements into onesentence. 
Which bestcombines these sentences? 
1. The tallestmountain, at 29,029 feet, in the world is Mount Everest and it wasfi rst summited in 1953. 
2. The tallestmountain in the world, Mount Everest (29,029 feet elevation), first successfully was summited in1953. 
✓ 3.Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world with an elevationof 29,029 feet, was summited in 1953 for the fi rsttime. 
4. Firstsuccessfully summited in 1953, the tallest mountain, Mount Everest,in the world has an elevation of 29,029 feet.
Which sentenceshows clear pronounantecedentagreement? 
1. We unpackedour books from the boxes and then returned them to the oce. 
2. As soon asthe monkeys left their cages, the janitors cleanedthem. 
3. If anybodywants to play professional basketball, you have to practice thefundamentals. 
✓ 4. ForEnglish class, the students had to memorize a monologue by theirfavorite playwright.
  • WritingConventions
Students understand the conventionsof punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. 标点的高级用法,难词的拼写
Which sentenceis punctuated correctly? 
1. Pilar watchout for the bees in the garden. 
2. It seems tous, Mr. Jones that the trip should becanceled. 
3. What areyou going to do after practice tonightTom? 
✓ 4. Ifyou ask me, Lorraine, this phone book isoutdated.
Which group ofwords is spelled correctly? 
1. phsycology,provide, leige 
2. lisence,opposite, factory 
✓ 3.sophisticated, détente,retrospect 
4. truley,paradox, decieve
