

3分钟学雅思  |  栏目推送说明






3分钟学雅思· 第7季 ·第36期


《3分钟学雅思》第七季 第36期 点击观看

Describe an indoor game you enjoyed playing when you were young.

You should say:

Who you played the game with

Where and when you played the game

What you had to do in the game

And explain why you enjoyed playing this indoor game.


League of Legends is MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) game having 2 teams of 10 players, each having 5 players, which has gained a high level of popularity across the world. The reason why I got so addicted to it is because to begin with the game is so much fun to play. It challenges our creativeness and intelligence and pits them against opponents of similar caliber. Every team tries to outsmart the other team and all this begins at the champion selection itself even before the game starts.

I feel playing against other players forms the key part of the game. You may be defeated in many games but again that is a learning part of the game.The strategy within the game is very dynamic as well which makes it all the more addictive. It requires a lot of careful planning, dynamic strategies, and quick decision making. Also, you would never get bored playing this game because there are over 100 characters to play and learn about. Each of them has different abilities and different mechanics of playing. Moreover new characters are introduced at certain time intervals to keep it always fun to play with.


1. addicted adj. 入迷的

2. pit v. 使竞争

3. defeat v. 击败

