TE||A killer in the making





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A  killer in the making


英文部分选自经济学人Science and Technology版块



A bigger killer in the making


A drug-resistant strain of typhoid could become virtually untreatable


TYPHOID affects some 21m people each year, and about 1% of cases are fatal. Before antibiotics were used to treat the disease 70 years ago, death rates were much higher. If left unchecked, typhoid can cause internal bleeding, perforation of the gut and, in up to a fifth of cases, death. Researchers are now concerned that an “extensively drug resistant” (XDR) strain of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi (S. typhi), the bacterium that causes the disease, could see a return to those dangerous days.

伤寒每年感染约2,100万人, 其中有1%的病例致死。 70年前,在无抗生素治疗时代,死亡率更高。 如果不加以治疗,伤寒会导致内出血,肠穿孔以及25%的人群死亡。 研究人员发现导致该疾病的伤寒沙门氏菌(S. typhi)的已出现“广泛耐药性”(XDR)菌株,有可能会让我们回到当年危险的日子。

Since November 2016 the XDR strain has led to 858 reported cases of the disease and four deaths in the Sindh province of Pakistan, according to the latest figures from Pakistan’s National Institute of Health. Together with their colleagues, Elizabeth Klemm of the Wellcome Sanger Institute near Cambridge and Rumina Hasan of the Aga Khan University in Karachi have analysed the pathogen. Their study, published recently in mBio, showed that its genome contains resistance genes for five types of antibiotic, making the Sindh epidemic the first known to be caused by an XDR strain. That, in effect, leaves doctors in Pakistan with just one oral antibiotic, azithromycin, with which to treat patients suffering from the disease.

根据巴基斯坦国家卫生研究院的最新数据,自2016年11月以来,巴基斯坦信德省耐药菌已导致858例该病的报告病例和4例死亡病例。 剑桥附近Wellcome Sanger研究所的Elizabeth Klemm,和卡拉奇Aga Khan大学的Rumina Hasan与他们的同事一起分析了病原体。 他们在mBio上最近发表的研究表明,病原体的基因组含有五种类型的抗生素的耐药基因,使信德发生第一个已知的由XDR菌株引起的流行病。 实际上,这使得巴基斯坦的医生只需要一种口服抗生素-阿奇霉素就可以治疗患耐药伤寒菌疾病的患者。

If that was not worrying enough, the researchers showed that the Sindh S. typhi was of a lineage known as H58. Since emerging on the Indian subcontinent around 30 years ago, H58, which is resistant to as many as four classes of antibiotic, has spread to much of South-East Asia and, more recently, to sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. The researchers found that S. typhi had gained more resistance genes by acquiring a plasmid, a circular piece of DNA, from another bacterium (a process known as horizontal gene transfer). Similarities in DNA sequences between this plasmid and those of other bacteria suggest that the culprit was probably Escherichia coli, which is commonly found in the human gut. Troublingly, H58 has in the past absorbed other antibiotic-resistance genes into its chromosome, where they can become more “hard wired” than plasmids, which can just as easily be lost as gained.


There is no reason why S. typhi should not also become resistant to azithromycin. Indeed, many experts believe it is simply a matter of time before it does so. That would mean the only treatments left would be “antibiotics of last resort”, such as carbapenems, which are expensive and have to be injected by trained staff. In poor countries, where such treatment is unlikely, it means an epidemic may be nearly impossible to contain.


In the long term, the solution is straightforward. The bacterium is found in the faeces of those infected, as well as a small proportion of people who have recovered but remain asymptomatic carriers. The disease spreads through water or food contaminated with infected faeces. Effective sanitation and access to clean water has largely eliminated typhoid from rich countries. It could, in time, do so in poorer ones, too. More careful use of antibiotics could help avoid a near-untreatable strain of S. typhi emerging. There are also ongoing efforts to find new antibiotics.


In the short term, however, vaccination, monitoring and treatment remain the best options. Unfortunately, vaccines do not provide lasting immunity, require multiple doses or are only approved for children older than two. A new vaccine from Bharat Biotech, a firm based in Hyderabad, protects for at least three years with a single dose and can be administered to children as young as six months. GAVI, an international public-private alliance that provides vaccines to poor countries, has agreed to pay $85m for vaccinating children in countries where the disease is rife. The race is on to contain typhoid before it evolves into an even deadlier threat.



1. vaccination |ˌvæksɪˈneɪʃn| noun [可数名词, 不可数名词] 疫苗 栗子:Make sure your vaccinations are up to date.一定要接种最新的疫苗。vaccination against typhoid 伤寒疫苗的接种 摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

2. Hyderabad英 [ˈhaidərəbɑ:d]   美 [ˈhaɪdərəˌbæd, -ˌbɑd, ˈhaɪdrə-]海得拉巴(印度南部一城市; 巴基斯坦东南部一城市)摘自百度翻译

3. 全球疫苗免疫联盟(The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation,GAVI)是一个公私合作的全球卫生合作组织,成立于1999年,工作宗旨是与政府和非政府组织合作促进全球健康和免疫事业的发展;工作职责是提供技术和财政支持;推广的疫苗目前有乙型肝炎、流感、黄热病。参与成员包括发展中国家和捐助国政府、WHO、UNICEF、世界银行、工业化国家和发展中国家的疫苗产业界、比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会、非政府组织和科研及卫生技术研究机构。

4. 熟词生义 race |reɪs| noun [单数] ~ (for sth/to do sth) a situation in which a number of people, groups, organizations, etc. are competing, especially for political power or to achieve sth first 竞争;角逐栗子 the race for the presidency总统竞选  The race is on (= has begun) to find a cure for the disease. 人们开始争相寻找这种疾病的新疗法。 摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

5. 熟词生义 contain |kənˈteɪn| verb to prevent sth harmful from spreading or getting worse 防止…蔓延(或恶化)栗子to contain an epidemic 防止流行病的蔓延 摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》


Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友


LitFish ,女,药物制剂,Nature追随者





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