

These usually involve displacement of the surgical neck and the greater tuberosity; they are extremely difficult to reduce closed. In active individuals this injury is best managed by open reduction and internal fixation. There is little evidence that one technique is better than another although the newer implants with locked plating and nailing are biomechanically superior in osteoporotic bone.


The surgical neck and both tuberosities are displaced. These are severe injuries with a high risk of complications such as vascular injury, brachial plexus damage, injuries of the chest wall and (later) avascular necrosis of the humeral head. The x-ray diagnosis is difficult (how many fragments are there, and are they displaced?). Often the most one can say is that there are ‘multiple displaced fragments’, sometimes together with glenohumeral dislocation. In young patients an attempt should be made at reconstruction. In older patients, closed treatment and attempts at open reduction and fixation can result in continuing pain and stiffness and additional surgical treatment can compromise the blood supply still further. If the fracture pattern is such that the blood-supply is likely to be compromised, or that reconstruction and internal fixation will be extremely difficult, then the treatment of choice is prosthetic replacement of the proximal humerus.

The results of hemiarthroplasty are somewhat unpredictable. Anatomical reduction, fixation and healing of the tuberosities are prerequisites for a satisfactory outcome; even then, secondary displacement of the tuberosities may result in a poor functional outcome. In addition the prosthetic implant should be perfectly positioned. Be warned – these are operations for the expert; the subject is well covered by Boileau et al. (2006).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


glenohumeral dislocation盂肱脱位

prosthetic replacement假体置换 /prɑːsˈθetɪk/adj. 假体的;非朊基的

The results of hemiarthroplasty are somewhat unpredictable. 半关节置换术的结果有些难以预测。

prerequisites 预备知识,先决条件(prerequisite复数) /ˌpriːˈrekwəzɪt/







