Metro English-322 - Line Stander 替你排队者

Line Stander 


If you don’t like queuing, there is a perfect solution. Just hire a professional line stander, a person who will queue for you for a fee. Sometimes you have to line up for 19 hours to get a newly launched product or a sample sales item. It’s a hard and boring job that can be well paid.

One example is New York-based Same Ole Line Dudes (SOLD Inc.), a team of professional line sitters who will take over your wait for anything New York City has to offer, from sample sales to Saturday Night Live tickets to the latest Air Jordans.

总部位于纽约的一个叫做Ole Line Dudes(Sold Inc.)就是一个好例子,这是一个专业团队,他们将接管你排队等待购买纽约市里任何即将发售的货品,从样品销售到周六晚间秀现场观众票、到Air Jordan的最新款运动鞋。

Founder Robert Samuel got into this business about three years ago, when he lost his job as an AT&T sales representative and needed a new way to make extra cash. The iPhone 5 happened to be coming out around the same time and he put an advertisement on Craiglist offering to wait in line for it.

创始人罗伯特·塞缪尔(Robert Samuel)大约三年前开始做这行,当时他失去了AT&T销售代表的工作,需要一种新的方式来赚取额外的现金。iphone5恰好在那个时间面世,他登了一则广告,表示愿意帮人排队。

After 19 hours of waiting, he had earned $325.


The venture was so profitable that he put a name to it and started SOLD Inc. in December 2012.


SOLD Inc. charges $25 for the first hour and $10 for each additional half hour — a minimum two-hour wait is required, meaning the cheapest you'll pay is $45. In one week, Samuel can earn up to $1,000, he told Business Insider.


Samuel isn't the only one profiting from this business.


One TaskRabbit "Tasker" brought home $1,500 for waiting in line for 100 hours for the iPhone 5. Others consistently wait in line for clients to get into the trendiest restaurants or bars, and there is a growing line sitting industry in Washington DC specializing in Supreme Court argument and congressional hearing lines.

名为TaskRabbit的排队公司的一项“任务”就是为了帮人排队买 iPhone 5,已经赚到了1500美元了。还有的是帮人等候进入最时髦的餐厅或酒吧排队,华盛顿特区的排队行业也在不断壮大,专门有人可以帮你排队进入最高法院的辩论和国会听证会呢。

Rich New Yorkers are hiring line-waiters to sit in COVID-19 testing queues.


queue 排队

line up  排队

line sitter 替人排队者

line stander 替人排队者

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