261.Post-traumatic hemothorax ( 创伤后血胸)


Diagnosis:  Post-traumatic hemothorax; fibrothorax and calcific pleuritis.


Differential:  Post-traumatic fibrothorax, post-infectious fibrothorax, post-empyema fibrothorax.


The three primary causes of a fibrothorax include: hemothorax, tuberculosis, and empyema.  Healing may be associated with the deposition of thick fibrous inelastic tissue along the visceral pleura.  This tissue may be localized, creating a focal region of pleural thickening, or may form a "peel," sometimes over 2.0 cm thick, that may encase the entire lung impeding air exchange and ventilation.  Calcification frequently occurs on the "inner" surface of this dense pleural layer.



1. hemothorax [ˌhi:mə'θɒræks] n. 血胸,胸腔积血

2. fibrothorax [faɪbrʌ'ðɔ:ræks] 纤维胸

3. calcific [kæl'sɪfɪk] adj. 石灰质的,钙化的

4. pleuritis [plʊr'raɪtɪs] n. 胸膜炎

5. empyema [ˌempaɪ'i:mə] n. 脓胸,积脓症

6. tuberculosis [tu:ˌbɜ:rkjəˈloʊsɪs] n. 肺结核

7. inelastic [ˌɪnɪˈlæstɪk] adj. 无弹性的

8. visceral [ˈvɪsərəl] adj. 内脏的

9. impeding [ɪm'pidɪŋ] v. 阻碍

10. ventilation [ˌvɛntlˈeʃən] n. 空气流通




