医学影像英语每日学丨162.Dressler syndrome


领读: 妙然老师

Dressler syndrome(postpericardiotomy/postmyocardial 

typically occurs 2 to 3 weeks after a transmural myocardial infarct. It also can occur following pericardiotomy such as occurs in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery, as in this case. The combination of chest pain and fever, left pleural effusion, patchy left lower lobe airspace disease, and pericardial effusion several weeks following a myocardial infarction or open-heart surgery should suggest the syndrome. It usually responds to high-dose aspirin or steroids. This patient has a dual lead pacemaker in place and, on the lateral projection (B), the leads are seen in the region of the right atrium (dotted black arrow) and right ventricle (arrowhead).


1. Dressler syndrome    Dressler 综合征

-Postpericardiotomy/postmyocardial infarction syndrome

-Typically occurs 2-3 weeks after a transmural myocardial infarct producing a left pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, and patchy airspace disease at the left lung base

-Associated with chest pain and fever, it usually responds to high-dose aspirin or steroids

2. postpericardiotomy  心包切除术后

3. postmyocardial 心肌梗死后

4. transmural  /træns'mjʊərəl/ adj. 透壁的

5. coronary artery  /'kɔrənɛri/ adj. 冠状动脉

6. aspirin   /'æsprɪn/ n. 阿司匹林

7. steroids  /'stiərɔidz/ n. 激素

8. pacemaker   /'peɪsmeɪkə/ n. 起搏器

9. atrium  /'eɪtrɪəm/ n. 心房

10. ventricle  /'vɛntrɪkl/ n. 心室

【Dressler syndrome(postpericardiotomy/postmyocardial infarction syndrome) Dressler综合征/心包切开术后综合征/心肌梗死后综合征】




