

1. (If) simple past/were + (Main) would,etc +inf

2. (If) were to+ inf+ (Main) would, etc+inf


1. If my father ____ (say) such a thing to me, I would tell him to mind his own business.

2. If you _____(stay) in England just a few months longer, your English would probably show a noticeable improvement.

答案: were to say; were to stay

习题1可表示与现在事实和与将来事实相反的虚拟语气, 习题2, 根据 a few months longer 可知,与将来事实相反。


所以,我的问题是为何这两道习题都采用were to do 的形式?可以分别使用said和asked 吗?谢谢老师!

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最佳答案 2018-09-08 17:15

  1. If my father ____ (say) such a thing to me, I would tell him to mind his own business.

  2. 由主句推知,从句表示的是将来事件,从句用said, were to say, should say均可。不必考虑三者的区别。都表示不大可能实现的条件。

2. If you _____(stay) in England just a few months longer, your English would probably show a noticeable improvement.


第一种可能:从句用stayed, were to stay, should stay均可。没有实质区别。

第二种可能:从句用had stayed, could have stayed均可。

