

Part Two  Writing  60%

I. Copy the sentence.正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写、标点符号。5%

whats your name my names peter

II. Write the words.按要求写单词 8 %

1. stand (反义词)___________

2. father(同类词)___________

3. I (同音词) ______________

4. nose(复数) ______________

5. is not (缩写形式)__________

6. you(物主代词)_________

7. short (反义词)____________

8. you’re ( 非缩写) __________

III. Judge the pronunciation.判断下列单词划线部分的发音,相同的用T表示,不同的用表示。5%

1. make cake (  )

2. me red (  )

3. nice five (  )

4. bag big (  )

5. sit six (  )

IVChoose the different word. 选不同类的单词,将代号填入括号内 6%

1. (   ) A. girl      B. rabbit      C. bird

2. (   ) A. two       B. ten         C. tree

3. (   ) A. brother   B. cat         C. sister

4. (   ) A. ruler     B. door        C. bag

5. (   ) A. open      B. clean       C. hello

6. (   ) A. party     B. happy       C. sad

VFill in the blanks.联系上下文填空,使句子完整(每空一词)6%

1. Oh, I am very hot. ________the door, please.

2. I am a baby. I can’t __________.

3. Look at the boy! ______ is my friend.

4. My mouth _______small.

5. We _________ a new teacher. She is Jenny.

6. A mouse has two small _______________.

VIChoice.选择题 10%

(   )1. I _____ Miss Fang.

A. am       B. is     C. are

(   )2. Look _____ the blackboard.

A. to       B. at      C. of

(   )3. _______ are you? Fine, thanks.

A. Who       B. How      C. What

(   )4. _______ is my friend. His name is Ben.

A. He        B. She       C. It

(   )5. I can read. ______ I can’t write.

A. And       B. Or      C. But

(   )6. _______the table, please.

A. Close     B. Open    C. Clean

(   )7 Kitty is my___________.

A. sister    B. brother    C. father

(   )8. Two small _______ are in the rain.

A. baby     B. babys     C. babies

(   )9. Hello, _______ you Kitty?

A. am       B. are      C. is

(   )10. Is your grandfather tall?_______________

A. Yes, she is.   B. Yes, he can.   C. Yes, he is.

VII. Rewrite the sentences 按要求改写下列句子 5%

1. He is Danny.(一般疑问句) ______ _______ Danny?

2. The rabbit is white.(复数句)The __________ ________ white.

3. I am fine.(划线部分提问)________ are you?

4. She is Sally.(划线部分提问)________ is she?

5. Mary can swim well.(否定句) Mary _____________ swim well.


(  )1.What’s your name?        A. Very well, thank you.

(  )2. How are you?             B. My name is Alice.

(  )3. How old are you?         C. You are Ben.

(  )4. Who’s your friend?      D. I am ten years old.

(  )5. Who am I?                E. Yes, I am Danny.

IX.Read and judge阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,一致的用T表示,不一致的用F表示5%

My family

Look, this is a picture of my family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my brother and I.

My grandfather and grandmother are old. They are fat. They like running in the morning.

My father is a teacher. He is tall and thin. My mother is a cook. She is short and thin.

My brother’s name is Tom. He is a pupil. He is ten years old.I am Mike. I am a boy, too. I am eight years old. My brother and I like playing football. I love my family.

(   ) 1. There are five people in my family.

(   ) 2. My grandfather and grandmother are old.

(   ) 3. My father is a cook.

(   ) 4. I have a sister.

(   ) 5. Tom can play football.

X.Writing. 介绍你的好朋友,2—3种句式,不少于25个单词。5%

     My friend

