小编的两位同事最近每天都利用各种工作空隙查房源,看房型的反复中;可是MLS的listing上有各种房产的相关缩写他们并看不懂 :(

A/C - Air Conditioner, also CAC - Central Air Conditioner 空调 CAC是中央空调
Acc - Access (as in Acc to backyard) 进入到... 如: 直接通往后院
Ad - Advertisement 广告
Agr - agricultural (as in zoned Agr) 农业的
Agmt - Agreement (as in Agmt of Purchase and Sale) 合约
A.K.A. – “Also Known As” - as in, semi-detached a.k.a. “semi“. 另外被大家所熟知的名称
Alum - Aluminum (as in alum siding) 铝制的
Apt - Apartment (as in Basement Apt) 公寓
Apx - Approximate, also Appx 大约
Bbq - Barbeque 烧烤
B/I - Built-In (as in B/I Dishwasher) 装修时包在里面的,内置的
B/I/DW - Built-In Dishwasher
Berber - A high quality broadloom/carpet 高级地毯
Bkfst - Breakfast (as in Bkfst Nook or Bkfst Room) 早餐
Bldg - Building
BR - Bedroom (as in 4BR) also Bdr 卧室
Brdlm - Broadloam (carpet) 地毯
Bsbrds - Baseboards 踢脚线
Bsmt - Basement (as in finished Bsmt) 地下室
CAC - Central Air Conditioning also C/A 中央空调
Comb - Combined (as in Comb Living Room/Dining Room or Comb LR/DR) 合在一起的
Cond - Condition or Conditional 条件,有条件的
Condo - Condominium 高级公寓
Cov - Coverings (as in Window Cov - drapes,curtains, shears, etc) 窗帘
Cvac - Central Vaccum (system) 中央吸尘器
Desig - Designation (as in Desig heritage property) 遗产房里会提到这个词
Det - Detached (as in Det Garage or Det House or Semi Det) 独立屋
Dir - Direction 方向
Dft - Deal Fell Through (status condition on MLS) 交易告吹
DOM - Days On Market (time listed as shown on MLS) 上市天数
DR - Dining Room 饭厅
DRs -Doors 门
Dryr - Dryer (as in Cloths Dryr) 干衣机
EAC - Electronic Air Cleaner 空气净化器
Egdo - Extra Garage Door Opener 多的车房门开关
ELFs - Electrical Lighting Fixtures 灯具
Ent - Entrance (as in seperate Ent or Sep Ent)入口
Excl - Excluded (as in Excl Chandelier)不包含在内
Exp - Expired (as in Exp Listing, a status condition on MLS)过期
Exh - Exhaust (as in Exh fan or Exh to outside)排气扇
FAG - Forced Air Gas (as in FAG furnace or heating system) 燃气的热风取暖
Fam - Family (as in Fam Room or Fam Rm, or FR or F/R
Feat - Feature or Features (as in Feat a pool)
Fin - Finished 装修了的
Fl - Floor ,also Flrs (as in main Fl or hardwood Fl)楼层
Gar - Garage, also Grg车房
Gdo - Garage Door Opener车房开关
GB&E - Gas Burner & Equipment (furnace)燃气炉
Hi-Eff - High-Efficiency (furnace)高效的
Hwt(r) - Hot Water Tank (rental)热水炉
I/G - Inground (as in I/G pool)地平面以下的
Incl - Included包含在内
Int - Interior or Interest (rate)内饰 或 利息
Irr - Irregular, also Irreg (as in Irr lot size)不标准的
Kit - Kitchen厨房
L/A - Listing Agent also L.A. 卖家经纪
LBO - Listing Broker Office (as in keys or documents at Lbo) 卖家经纪
Loc - Location 地点
Low-Eff - Low-Efficiency (furnace)低效的
LR - Living Room also L/R 起居室
Lux - Luxury ( as in Lux condo)豪华的
Lvl - Level 层
LVR - Loan-to-Value Ratio贷款对资产值比例
Micro - Microwave 微波炉
Mn - Main (as in Mn Floor or MnFl or MnFlr or M/F) 一般指一楼
Mnths - Months, also Mos or Mth 月
Msrmts - Measurements 测量数据
Nr - Near 靠近
Occup - Occupied or Occupancy 有人居住
O/Looks - Overlooks (as in dining room O/looks Living Room or DR O/Looks LR) 能一眼看过去,俯瞰
ONHWP - Ontario New Home Warranty Program
Part - Partly (as in Part finished basement) 一般指部分装修的地下室
PC - Piece , also pc (as in 3PC bathroom, 3pc BR) 件
PITI - principal, interest, taxes, and insurance with regard to a mortgage or loan.本金 利息 税收 保险
Pwdr - Powder (as in Powdr Room, Pwdr Rm)洗手间
REA - Real Estate Agent or Realtor房产经纪
Rec - Recreation (as in Rec Room or Rec Rm)
Res - Residence, also residential (as in zoned Res)居住的
R/I - Rough-In (as in R/I fireplace or dishwasher)预留管道
Rm - Room房间
R/O - reverse osmosis (water purification system)一种净水系统
Rrea - Registered Real Estate Agent注册房产经纪
Sds - Sides (as in Sides on the park)在...边上
Sec - Security安全
Sep - Seperate (as in Sep Living Room and Dining Room or Sep LR/DR)分开的或分门
Sgwo - Sliding Glass Door Walkout玻璃推拉门
Sl - Sliding (as in Sl glass patio doors)推拉门
Sol - Solarium 太阳能的
Spec - Special特殊的
SPIS - Seller Property Information Statement卖家签的关于房屋的一份文件,会把他们知道的关于房屋的信息写在上面。
Sq - Square (as in 100 sq feet)
Sqft - Square Feet平方尺
Stv - Stove 烤箱
Sys - System ( as in Security Sys or Sec Sys)系统
Tba - To Be Announced or Arranged 等通知安排
TTC - Toronto Transit Commission (bus and subway system in Toronto)多伦多地铁和车站
TLC - Tender Loving Care meaning needs some repairs. 修缮
UFFI - Urea Formaldihide Foam Insulation尿素甲醛绝缘材料
Upgr - Upgraded (as in carpet upgr or upgr cabinets) 升级了的
W - With (as in comes w all appliances)
Win - Window (as in Win covering or Win Cov)窗
W/I - Walk-In (as in W/I closet) 走入式衣橱
W/L - Where Laid ( as in carpet W/L) also W/Laid
W/O - Walk-Out (as in Basement Apartment W/O or W/O to deck)走出式地下室
2 - To (as in a short walk 2 the park) 去..
4+2 - The number after the + means in the basement. Example: Bedrooms: 4+2 imeans 4 BR on main or upper floors and 2 in basement.
10 - rated high as in 10 out of 10
