


这段话来自雅思真题,题目是 This Marvellous Invention, 我搜了一下这段话应该是来自一本叫 The Unfolding Language 的书。


"this marvellous invention of composing out of twenty-five or thirty sounds that infinite variety of expressions which, whilst having in themselves no likeness to what is in our mind, allow us to disclose to others its whole secret, and to make known to those who cannot penetrate it all that we imagine, and all the various stirrings of our soul"

读懂了吗?如果你一遍读懂了,请收下我的膝盖... 我比较笨, 先一步一步来“化简”这个句子,把修饰和插入语划去。

经过这样处理之后,你会发现... 还是看不懂,主干在哪里?谁是修饰谁的?这里面有两个不容易理解的地方:

  • 这里的that并不是表示什么从句,而是一个限定词,如I like this, not that。

  • 这里有三个宾语后置了(后置的原因是宾语太长了,还有要方便修饰),正常的顺序应该是:

this marvelous invention of composing that infinite variety of expressions which out of twenty-five or thirty sounds, allow us to disclose its whole secret to others, and to make all that we imagine, and all the various stirrings of our soul known to those (后面的我们先不看,把those当作一个名词就好).


  • 什么样的invention呢?从25/30种声音中compose的

  • which的主语是expressions,后面的一大长串都是用来修饰expressions (从逻辑上判断,从语法上后面用的是allow判断)



1. this marvelous invention of composing that infinite variety of expressions out of twenty-five or thirty sounds.

2. That infinite variety of expreesions allow us to disclose its whole secret to others, and to make all that we imagine, and all the various stirrings of our soul known to those.

你会发现第一段话根本就不是一个句子,他是一个名词短语 -- 什么样的invention呢?后面的of解释了它。因为这段话用了引号,我就查了查是从哪里引来的,结果在Google Books查到了这句话的好几个版本!原来它是翻译过来的,在 The Unfolding Language 书中的Notes部分作者给出了法语原文:


这两本书的版本是Jacques Rieux和Bernard E Rollin在1975年的翻译:


Arnauld and Lancelot characterized language as that marvelous invention by which we construct from twenty-five or thirty sounds an infinity of expressions, which, having no resemblance in themselves to what takes places in our minds, still enable us to let others know the secret of what we conceive and of all the various mental activities that we carry out.

这里多了一个by which,比之前的两个句子都清楚了很多。下面这本书里也出现了这类表达。


the authors of the Port Royal Grammar were struck by the "marvellous invention" of a means to construct from a few dozen sounds an infinity of expressions that enable us to reveal to others what we think and imagine and feel...


The unbounded character of the alphabet, which, in the words of the Port-Royal philosophers, provides the means to construct "from 25 or 30 sounds that infinity of expressions [that] enable usto reveal everything that we think, and all the movements of our soul.

这两个版本也容易读,之前的几个版本用的which在这里改成了that,修饰的更清楚。后面这几个版本层次分明,是值得我们学习的。写作时候切勿盲目追求长句和从句 -- 要知道我们到底要说什么?这么说能不能帮助我们表达的更清楚?


其实不然,这段话弄清楚谁修饰谁,知道核心意思就好了。写这篇文章一是分享给大家我是如何和这句话死磕的,二是提醒大家要学会live with it,语言很多时候就这么“拧巴” -- 多读多琢磨,把它当作玩具鼓捣鼓捣就好了。




广告 / 英语学习圈

