亚马逊 CEO 贝佐斯人设崩塌?

昨晚,亚马逊老大 Jeff Bezos 在推特上宣布与妻子 MacKenzie 离婚,并表示两人依然是珍贵的朋友:


是啊,走过 25 年的风风雨雨,无法做夫妻,至少还可以做朋友。Though the labels might be different, we remain a family, and we remain cherished friends. 白头偕老有白头偕老的幸福,分手可能也是另一种幸福。

还没感动完,就读到了一条劲爆消息。《国家询问报》(The National Enquirer)刊出了独家新闻,声称贝佐斯是因为有外遇才离婚,不仅和情人到处浪,发不可描述的短信,还是朋友妻不客气......

Our reporters snapped the braggadocios billionaire and his raven-haired lover, 49, doing the dirty on their spouses together no fewer than six times in 14 days.

On one occasion they even enjoyed a secret tryst at the very Boston, Mass., hotel the Bezos family stayed at when in town for Parents Day at his son’s MIT campus!

It is the real reason why Bezos, one of the world’s most powerful men, took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce his shock divorce.


婚内出轨,恋上有夫之妇,媒体声称有实锤。如果这一切都是真的,贝佐斯的“人设”可就崩了...... 心疼和她一起白手起家的原配妻子。

贝佐斯的妻子是 MacKenzie Tuttle,1992 年从普林斯顿毕业,是 Bezos 的校友。她学的是英语,师从诺贝尔文学奖获得者 Toni Morrison,被老师称为“one of the best students I’ve ever had in my creative-writing classes”。

MacKenzie 从普林斯顿大学毕业后,在投资管理公司 D.E.Shaw 担任研究助理。贝佐斯当时是该公司的副总裁之一,是第一个面试她的人。虽然贝佐斯对她有好感,不过两人感情的开始还是女方更主动一些——"getting him to notice her romantically was all her doing"。

MacKenzie later said it was she who targeted Bezos, not the other way around. “My office was next door to his, and all day long I listened to that fabulous laugh,” she told Vogue in 2012. “How could you not fall in love with that laugh?” She began her campaign to win him over by suggesting lunch. The couple got engaged three months after they started dating; they were married three months after that.

节选于 The Everything Store

2013 年 Vogue 杂志写过一篇 Mackenzie 的专访,她说她和贝佐斯性格很互补。贝佐斯非常外向,喜欢社交,而她正好相反。她对穿衣打扮也不讲究(she’s more the jeans-and-T-shirt type),好多衣服都是贝佐斯给她买的。



Family is very important to Jeff, and he absolutely relies on her to create that stable home life. They are such a normal, close-knit family, it’s almost abnormal.


I am definitely a lottery winner of a certain kind,” she says, referring to her husband’s success, “and it makes my life wonderful in many ways, but that’s not the lottery I feel defined by. The fact that I got wonderful parents who believed in education and never doubted I could be a writer, the fact that I have a spouse I love, those are the things that define me.

从这段中可以看得出她的独立自强。是啊,我嫁得好,有钱也确实好,不过这并不代表什么。虽然离婚后,她可能获得高达 690 亿美元,不过我想这也不太会影响她的生活。最重要的是有相信自己的人,爱自己的人。

如果贝佐斯真的出轨,Mackenzie 一定难过死了。贝佐斯那份离婚声明也变得虚伪可恨。


When you are eighty years old, and in a quiet moment of reflection narrating for only yourself the most personal version of your life story, the telling that will be most compact and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made. In the end, we are our choices.


贝佐斯说从小爷爷就告诉过他“善良比聪明更重要”—— Cleverness is a gift; kindness is a choice. It's harder to be kind than clever.


