问&答 | 这句话怎么破?

之前几篇文章收到了很多朋友的回复和探讨,谢谢大家。“真理越辩越明”, 而我们互相学习,一寸有一寸的欢喜。


你好,向你请教个句子。But the feudal lords themselves did not go to the war any more than the modern feudal lords ,the barons of Wall Street go to the war.这句话中得didn't any more than 该怎么理解呢?能否等同于 no more than?


1)我们把这个无聊的句子按照相同的句式改写为简单易懂的胡编乱造的I don’t love you any more than he loves you.

这个句子是说: 我不爱你,他也不爱你,我和他不爱你的程度一样多。

图中这句话是说: 科学一定要强加哲学这件事,就如同我们一定要让电话告诉我们该说什么一样,是行不通的。

这个逻辑可以理解为: Science must not impose any philosophy. If science must impose any philosophy, the telephone must tell us what to say.

2) 在有些情况下, no=not any. 例如, I have no money = haven’t any money. 因此, 在有些情况下not any more than = no more than. 有些情况在这里的意思是:具体语境要具体分析。



[But the feudal lords themselves did not go to the war] any more than [the modern feudal lords ,the barons of Wall Street go to the war.]

我们可以看到这个句子是由两个完整的句子构成,用any more than来连接并形成比较结构。需要注意的是第一个句子中是否定的did not go to the war, 第二个句子是肯定的go to the war.


[A doesn’t do sth] any more than [B does sth]

[A does sth] is not any more than [B does sth]


这句话的逻辑是: A做某事的程度不比B做某事的程度更高. (请原谅我poor表述能力吧)

也就是说: 这句话想说的是A不能做某事. 然后拿一个通常为更明显的例子B来说明A的程度.

Comparing a primary negative assertion to an obviously absurd positive secondary assertion.


[A] is not any more true than [B]

也就是说: A&B are equally untrue


[A is not true] any more than [B]


[A does’t do sth] any more than [B does something]


[Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian] any more than [going to a garage makes you a car].

An essay is written with words just as a house is built with bricks, but [merely a collection of words cannot be called an essay] any more than [a pile of bricks can be called a house]

讲到这里应该明白了not any more… than的用法了. 我们再来说一下no more… than.

首先 not more… than 和 no more… than是不一样的。前者是一般否定. 后者不仅使than前面的内容被否定,也使than后面的内容被否定, 但在原文than后不出现任何否定词.

a) Eric is not more handsome than you. (Eric不如你帅)

b) Eric is no more handsome than you. (Eric和你一样,不帅)

关于not 和 no在和比较级搭配使用的时候还有一个常见的 NOT better than 和 NO better than

曾经有一个大家热论的翻译: (改革贵在行动)喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子


talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk

talking the talk is not better than walking the walk


talking the talk is NO BETTER THAN walking the walk 是错的


The exam is no more difficult than the tests you’ve been doing in class.

He’s stinking rich, and with no more talent than he ever had before.

我们回到no more than上来, 记住重点是: no的出现使得than前的内容被否定,than后的内容也被否定,但在原文than后不出现任何否定词.


He can no more swim than I can fly.


从这里可以看出more是单独作比较级用。本句直译为: “他能游泳绝不比我能飞的可能性大。” “我不能飞”这是现实,通过这种对比把“他不能游泳”刻画出来。

上面例句还可以用not any more (=no more) 和than连用的形式代替no more 和than的连用 — no more 比 not any more要更加正式.


He cannot swim any more than I can fly.


叶永昌 《英语阅读参考手册》



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