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The estimated cost of education for any college is based on tuition and required fees (costs that are billed to you directly) plus estimated costs for room and/or rent, board and/or food, supplies, personal expenses and transportation (indirect, variable costs). 2021–22 tuition and fees will be posted in March or April 2021. Check back then for more information.

RISD’s 2021–22 tuition is $55,220 for both undergrads and graduate students, with a student activity fee of $270 and an academic and technology fee of $800. The estimated cost of education for any college is based on tuition and required fees (costs that are billed to you directly) plus estimated costs for room and/or rent, board and/or food, supplies, personal expenses and transportation (indirect, variable costs). RISD’s 2021–22 cost of education for undergraduate students is $77,280.

