

曲名:Coming Home歌手:Peter Jeremias所属专辑:Emotional Piano - Hope发行年代:2015风格:纯音乐Coming Home - Peter Jeremias--:-- / 02:06(*+﹏+*)

Two Poplar Trees, 1780 - Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes我离家已经多年文/艾米莉·狄金森,译/江枫我离家已经多年此刻立在门前我不敢进去,唯恐会有陌生人出现紧盯着我的面孔问我为什么而来——“我遗落一段生活不知是否还在?”我有几分畏惧——我难舍那以往——往事像大海翻腾喧嚣在我耳旁——我不禁吃吃发笑我曾经历过惊恐从来不知退缩竟畏惧一座门洞。我小心插回门闩我的手指微颤生怕门又打开一时无处躲闪——然后松开手指谨慎得一丝不苟然后捂上耳朵像贼,喘息着逃走——1872I YEARS Had Been From HomeI YEARS had been from home,And now, before the door,I dared not open, lest a faceI never saw beforeStare vacant into mineAnd ask my business there.My business,—just a life I left,Was such still dwelling there?I fumbled at my nerve,I scanned the windows near;The silence like an ocean rolled,And broke against my ear.I laughed a wooden laughThat I could fear a door,Who danger and the dead had faced,But never quaked before.I fitted to the latchMy hand, with trembling care,Lest back the awful door should spring,And leave me standing there.I moved my fingers offAs cautiously as glass,And held my ears, and like a thiefFled gasping from the house.Emily Dickinson, 1872打赏赞(1)分享

