
Chengdu is the provincial capital of Sichuan Province,and a historical cultural city,one of the first batch of China's outstanding tourist cities, “National Sanitary City' and a“Model City of Two Supports' as well. Chengdu is a megalopolis(特大城市) that combines ancient civilization and modern civilization together, and it is the homeland of the rare giant panda and the center and window of the “Sichuan—a land of plenty.”


Chengdu is famous for its long history and rich cultural accumulation as well as for its gorgeous scenic spots and numerous historical sites. The Lotus ( Furong ) is the city flower and the Gingko(银杏) is its city tree.


Chengdu lies between the plateau mountain region in the northwest of Sichuan and the hills in middle of the province. The western terrain is relatively high,and the middle and the southeast parts are broad Plain of Chengdu. The average elevation of Chengdu is about 500 meters.  Chengdu enjoys the beauty of mountain scenes,plain and hills concurrently (并存的)within its territory.


It is temperate(温和的) in climate in Chengdu,and  there  is heavy rainfall here. The average temperatures of the year is about 16 degrees Centigrade. There is no severe cold in winter nor severe heat in summer in Chengdu. The land here is fertile(肥沃的), the water conservancy(保护管理) is advanced,and the produce(产品) is very richly endowed(赋予,给与).


The total area of the city of Chengdu is 12 390 sq.  km . , and the total population exceeds 10 million. It has jurisdiction over 7 districts, 4 county-level cities and 8 counties.

成都全市总面积为1. 239万平方公里,总人口超过1 000万人,辖区划为7个区,4个县级市和8个县。

As early as more than 10 000 years ago,Chengdu had already become the center of activities of ancient people of Clan (宗族)Shu. The unearthed relics in the urban area and Sanxing Dui in Guanghan show that at least 4 000 years ago,the people of Clan Shu,through their hard-working,created the Ancient Shu Civilization which possesses the clear regional characteristics here.

早在10 000多年前,成都就已成为蜀族先民活动的中心。市区和广汉三星堆的出土文物表明,至少在4 000年以前,古蜀的先民们就用自己辛勤劳动的双手,在这里创造了具有鲜明地域特征的古蜀文明。

About 2 500 years ago,the Kaiming Imperial Court of Ancient Shu State moved its capital here from Fanxiang Township(the intersection of today's Pengzhou City and Xindu County),and named it“Chengdu”.Just from that time on Chengdu began to take shape of a city.

大约2 500年前,古蜀国开明王朝把国都从樊乡(今彭州市、新都县交界处)迁到此处,定名为“成都”这时的成都已经成为一个初具规模的城市。

In the period of Shu Han,Zhu Ge-liang implemented the economic policy to rehabilitate(恢复) and support agricultural traders. As a result of this,Chengdu achieved greater development as the capital of Shu Han.


In Tang Dynasty,the prosperity in Chengdu was second only to that of Yangzhou in the South. By Northern Song Dynasty,Chengdu became a metropolis(大都会) second only to Bianjing. The city at this moment saw some development in industry, agriculture and commerce because the place was under a relatively stable situation among the fighting and disputes in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties period. There were not only comprehensive markets in the north,south,east and west of the city,but also markets for exchanging special products,for instance,grass market,chaff(谷壳,糠) market,salt market and horse and mule market etc.. In the downtown,there were even evening markets. Chengdu experienced rises and falls for several times during the dynasties such as Yuan,Ming,Qing and the period of the Republic of China,nevertheless,its position as an economic center of Sichuan Province has remained steady.


Chengdu was liberated in December 1949,and this old historical cultural city opened a new chapter in the history.


Since 1978,Chengdu entered the new historical time of reform and opening up to the outside world and modernization construction. Relying on its solid economic base and position advantage in the connection of the Midwest,in a short time of only a little more than 20 years,Chengdu has further developed into an important center of science and technology,commerce and business and banking,and the hub of traffic and communications in the southwest of China as well as one of the megalopolises of China.


In today's Chengdu,high buildings and large mansions stand like forests,green trees make pleasant shades and the appearance of the city is beautiful. Commercial sites of service industries spread all over the city. The comprehensive service function of the city is being strengthened day by day. Funan River has become clear. On both sides of the river,flowers and trees,lawns,sculptures and pavilions and the modern local-style dwelling houses and the high buildings in a compact mass set each other off and add luster to the city.  Funan River not only has the functions of preventing flood,protecting environment and traffic and transportation,but also is a favorite place of recreation and sightseeing for the citizens of Chengdu and foreign visitors.


Chengdu is one of the cities of the country with the most highways and the largest air harbor in the southwest. Shuang Liu International Airport is one of the four major air harbors of the country,having opened more than 170 international and domestic routes now. Chengdu is a telecommunications pivot in the southwest of China,and it has successively established connection with more than 160 countries and regions. The convenient traffic and the developed communication have linked Chengdu with all parts of the country closely and have built bridges from the city to all parts of the world as w


Chengdu is one of the origins of Shu Han magnificent culture and the key city of Sichuan culture and education as well. There are great “Masters of Han's Poetic Prose”Sima Xiangru and Yang Xiong,historian of Jin Dynasty Chang Qu poetess Xue Tao in the Tang Dynasty,musician Duan Anjie,poetry writer Ouyang Jiong in the Five Dynaties period,painting master Huang Quan, scholar Fan Zuyu who was the associate editor of“History as a Mirror' Neo-Confucianist Wei Liaoweng,physician Tang Shenwei,literati Yang sheng'an of Ming Dynasty,famous scholar-general Yue Zhongqi in Qing Dynasty and giant of contemporary literature Ba Jin,Ai Wu,Li Jieren and Sha Ting. Famous poets Li Bai,Du Fu,Cen Shen,Gao Shi,Wei zhuang,Lu You and the great writer Su Shi,etc. had all once resided here and left a lot of cultural heritage for descendants(后裔子孙),and this makes the developed culture of Chengdu enjoy great domestic and international prestige.


The lacquer(漆) ware of Chengdu is unique with perfect craft and is a famous product handed down from generation to generation. Gold and silver silk products,bamboo plaiting(编辫) and straw plaiting all have a history of several hundred or thousand of years in Chengdu.


Among numerous Chengdu local products,Shu Silk,one of“China Four Major Famous Silk' and Shu Embroider, one of“China Four Major Famous Embroider',are very graceful and in good taste. The bamboo plaiting article is another local product in Chengdu,and vases woven from it,the coffee sets,flower sets and bowls,etc.  make visitors so fond that they would not let them out of their hand. In addition,there are far-famed wine of Quan Xing Da Qu and Pi County Beans.


There are numerous scenic spots and historical sites passed down in successive dynasties in Chengdu,among which Shrine of Military Hou,Du Fu Thatched(盖茅草) Cottage and Yongling are the key cultural relic units under state protection.  King Wen's Stele(墓碑,石柱) of North Zhou Dynasty,Wenshu Monastery,Qingyang Palace,Meng Zhixiang's Tomb,Zhu Yuelian's Tomb,King Xi's Tomb,Monument to the Dead in the Movement of Road Protection  in the Revolution of 1911,Monument to General Peng,Peng's Shrine and Twelve Bridges Tombs of Revolutionary martyrs,etc. are classified as provincial historical relic's protection units.


