【猪译馆】配种管理指南 (连载三)


前言 Foreword


编者的话 Editor's Note


5.公 猪

The Boar



How To Get A Successfull Boar

1. 一头使用时间长的公猪需要在其生长过程中进行合理的饲喂。

A durable boar is ensured through proper feeding during growth.

2. 无论公猪是用来交配、场内人工授精还是诱情,都要保持合适的体况。

Whether the boar is used for mating, on farm AI or smell boar it must be kept in proper body condition.

3. 公猪和人必须是互信的,并对其保持尊重。

Boars must be trusting, but keep respecting them.

4. 公猪舍里的地面需防滑,且必须有一块干净、干燥供其躺卧的区域。

The boar pen must always have a clean and dry lying area with a non-slip floor.

5. 公猪至少每14天爬跨一次

Boars should at least be allowed to mount every 14. days.

6. 公猪的健康是在配种猪舍中进行优秀的“团队工作”的先决条件。

A healthy boar is a prerequisite for a good “team player” in the mating unit.

7. 公猪在成熟前不能使用。

The boar must be mature before he is used.

8. 公猪不能太频繁地使用,这样会影响精子的质量。使用的频率取决于公猪的年龄。

The boar should not be used too frequently as this will impair sperm quality. The frequency depends on the boar’s age.


The boar must be active, trusting and sociable.


The boar should not be too big compared to the sow.



Are There Problems With The Boar, It Can Be Because

1. 公猪超重。

The boar has become too overweight.

2. 舍内恶劣的卫生条件造成公猪和母猪的肢蹄病。

Poor hygiene in the pens with the risk of leg injuries in both sow and boar.

3. 用锯末或刨花作为垫料。

Use of sawdust or wood flour as bedding.

4. 公猪生病。

That the boar is sick.



Additional Comments : The Boar


During upbringing the following feed strategy is recommended:


Proper body condition is essential for the boars durability and libido.


Body condition “middle” is preferred. If the boar is too fat, the ration is reduced to minimum of 1.5 FUso/day. The boar is assigned gestation diet.


During upbringing, it is important that the boars are exposed to much human contact to be trusting towards humans. The boar should be able to move smoothly, and are trained to move into the units on which it is used.


It is important to avoid leg problems in boars, and therefore a non-slip floor is important. For an adult boar the pen must be at least 6㎡ . If the pen used for mating, it must be at least 10㎡net area (trough is not included). Used bedding may not be shavings or wood  flour.  Shavings  contain  estrogens  like substances that can affect the sows oestrus and cycle.


Whether the boar is used for mating with on farm AI or as smell boar, it is recommended that the boar gets to jump the absolute minimum every 14. day. Let the smell boars mount on a oestrus slaughter sow. The boars must mount in order to maintain their motivation and desired activity level.


At the slightest sign of illness or changes in activity the boar should be examined. If the boar has a fever, it may mean a decreased sperm count for up to 8weeks.


The boar’s earliest sexual maturity is at 6-7 months of age. It is recommended that the boar is first placed in service when it is over 8 months old.


Frequency of use of the boar





“Proper Collection”

1. 准备好公猪爬跨的假台畜。

Use a phantom as mounting material for the boar.

2. 用性成熟的公猪。

Use a sexually mature boar.

3. 准备好稀释剂,加热并加入抗生素。

Prepare thinner, heat and add antibiotics.

4. 给将要操作的手上戴两只手套。

Take 2 gloves on the “tap” hand.

5. 准备好精液采集杯(最好是聚苯乙烯的材质),放入干净、新的精液收集袋,用橡皮圈固定好精液过滤纸。

Filling tank of polystyrene, fitted with clean, new bag and new gauze. Secure the gauze with a rubber band.

6. 排空公猪的包皮积液,之后脱掉外面一只手套。

Empty the boar’s foreskin, and discard the outer glove.

7. 开始刺激公猪,使其伸出阴茎。

Start stimulating the boar, so he shafts out.

8. 不收集刚开始射出的10-15毫升。

The first 10 ml to 15 ml should be tapped out on the floor.

9. 抓住公猪的阴茎。

Grasp the boar’s penis.

10. 阴茎头向上,避免任何的尿液和分泌的残留物混入精液。

Keep it up, so any urine and secretions residues do not run down the semen.

11. 轻拍公猪,直到射精完全结束。

Tap the boar until he is completely finished.


The gauze prevents straw, hair and other major parts of contaminating the semen.


Good hygiene is important in order to achieve a good result.



Error By Collection

1. 将瓶装的精液直接放入脏的容器。

There is bottled semen directly into a dirty container.

2. 容器材料没有隔热效果,导致精液受到冷应激。

The semen gets cold shock by container material without insulation.

3. 包皮积液没有彻底排空,导致采集到的精液中含有杂质。

The foreskin is not emptied good enough, which causes impurities in the collection.

4. 损伤阴茎,导致精液里有血。

Damage to the penis, so there will be blood in the semen.

5. 缺乏耐心,公猪还没有结束就停止采集,可引起公猪性欲消失。

Lack of patience, so the boar won’t finish and the libido may disappear.

6. 采集时不注意卫生:

Lack of hygiene under collection:

* 脏的手。

Dirty hands.

* 脏的容器。

Dirty containers.

* 屋子里有太多的污垢和灰尘。

Too much dirt and dust in the room.

* 残留的肥皂和消毒剂。

Soap and disinfectant residues.

* 来自水的污染。

Contamination from water.

* 多次使用的器具没有进行高温灭菌。

Missing scalding from recycled materials.



Additional Comments: On-farm AI – Collection


The phantom must be covered with soft washable material. Soft, because the boar lays with his sternum on the phantom and washable for reasons of hygiene. There should be no cracks in the coating on the phantom, which could damage the boar. The phantom should be stable, so it will not tip during the collection. Buy a finished phantom because they are difficult to make stable. Be sure that the mounting area is non-slip and attach the phantom to the inventory so it does not move during mount. The boar can mount on a sow, from where the boar can be tapped. It can be a bit harder than using a phantom, and there is not always a sow of the right size in heat as he can mount on. If the boar is used to mount on sows, it is harder to get him to mount the phantom.


A boar is sexually mature when it is willing to implement a mating. The earliest time for that is 6-7 months of age and depends on age rather than weight. Crossbreed boars often become sexually mature  earlier  than  purebred  boars.  It  is recommended that the boar is first placed in service when it is over 8 months old.

确保稀释剂在与精液混合之前已经加热好了。加入抗生素之前要阅读药瓶标签。采精的同时加热稀释剂至30-35 ℃。也可以用干粉稀释剂,但混合操作失误的风险很大。

Ensure that the diluents have been heated before it is mixed with the semen. Mix in the antibiotic after the regulations from the medicine bottle. Let it warm up while the collection is made. It should be between 30 ℃ and 35 ℃. Powder diluents can also be used, but the risk for an error mix is great.


It is important that disposable materials are used. Put gauze twice as large items such as straw, loose hair or loose feces do not fall into the semen. Before the bag is inserted, it must be filled with air to see if it’s close.


To keep a good hygiene, it is important to put on two gloves on at semen collection. It is important that the gloves are approved for semen collection, for example vinyl gloves. Latex and rubber and gloves with talc could damage the semen.


Both gloves should be on by emptying of the foreskin. When it is emptied the outer glove is removed glove number two is ready for the actual collection.


By massaging the foreskin forward, the boar is stimulated to shaft out. The boar is also stimulated by sight and smell of the phantom and the emptying of the foreskin.


Form your hand as a funnel and place it in front of the foreskin opening, let the boar shaft out his penis in your hand. The first 10 to 15 ml should not be collected into the container, as there is residual urine and pus in. There are not many sperm cells in the first 10-15ml.


Grasp the tip of the penis, so that the tip is resting on the bottom edge of the hand. When the hand is attached to the penis, it can turn stuck, as it will do in the sow.


The penis is kept up so that urine, secrete and pus does not drain into the semen. Bend the penis in a gentle curve upwards so that the semen can drain into the container. Penis must not be broken.


Remember that the boar should be allowed to be completely finished before the collection is stopped. If stopped in the middle of the collection, the boar’s libido could be reduced. The boar often climbs down the phantom when he is finished, otherwise it can be seen by the “plug” has come out. A collection may take between 5 and 10 minutes from the shaft is out to the last semen comes out.


To be continued…


