「Ernie和Erica Wisner」火箭炕
下面的这几张图是我见过最理想的火箭炕设计,它们都是火箭炕质量加热器创新领导者Ernie和Erica Wisner的产品,他们已经制造了700多个火箭炕质量加热器。
hi guys the following video is about howto build a rocket mass heater I tried tofilm every segment of building it inlittle bits and then put them alltogether into a long video it reallyshows from start to finishthere might be some things that I leftout I tried not to I dunno I left outhow to put the last finish on that wedid and we made another clay slip whichwill be explained and then added somelime to it lime the white stuff that yousprinkle on your garden so we added somelime to it to make a lighter color forthe final finish we added a bunch morewater because it gets so thick that wecouldn't really brush it on easily butotherwise I think it should be allpretty self-explanatory and I hope youhave a great time building your ownrocket mass heater it is really gettingwarm really warm and so I'm actuallylooking forward to winter this year andstaying more toasty than the yearsbefore and I will update you guys on howmuch wood I'm using compared to my woodstove that I had so have a wonderfultime and have fun building a rocket massheater and this is Claudia with cabinJohann is cutting off the top of thebarrel which will be a vital essentialpart of the whole rocket mass heaterturning the barrel to get everything offof it eventually the paint and all thatthis is the big barrel burn in the top80% burned off with no problem at alljust by making a fire inside but thebottom doesn't didn't want to burn offso we made a fire underneath at thebottom to burn that part of okay so wemake the outline of what will be thefirebox and the barrel and we laid itout we played around with it to makesure it all fits right and we're goingall according to this look which isrocket mass heater builder's guide byErica Wiesner and Ernie Wiesner orWeisner and so we laid it all out andnow we just made we marked it with amarker because we have to pull it upagain dip it in clay slip which I'llshow you in a moment how to make that Igot some clay from my lamp because Ihave really really good play and we aremixing that with water and then we dipthe bricks into it so it's like a cementtype thing but I'll show you that laterand here is the supervisor on the jobokay we have started putting the wholefire box thing down and this is the clayslip well I have clay on the property sowe just mixed that with a bunch of waterand then we're building the box this isgonna be 16 inch high and this is gonnabe 48 inches high total and the wholeburn chamber front to back on the insideis 24 inches long and so the clay slipCement because it basically doesn't addto the height of it and we are justfollowing like I said before that thatbook so the clay slip also doesn'tdoesn't burn doesn't you know it doesn'tdisintegrate so we've cemented like youknow place looked the whole thing inplace and now we're gonna build the thebig tower here that will go up and overtop of that will be the barrel so I'llbe back with more info as we go oh andfirst those fire breaks need to be putin water before you put the clay slip onbecause otherwise it will not bond rightand it will just crumble but this way itbonds with the brick as it dries and allright see you guys later okay all thisstuff with the big bricks is done andthis is how it looks those are all thetwo bites and then we have the one bybricks the one by fire bricks and theywill make that rest of the tunnel butthis is all so there's basically threecourses of it that actually make theburning chamber four courses of it theones are flat lying and the other onesare standing up vertically and theEarth's course is basically the verybottom here is just a holding in placethe next one is starting with thefirebox and the next one are standinghorizontally or vertically instead ofhorizontally those three rows and thenwhen you look in that's the box and hereit's the same but this end will getreally tall 48 inches from the bottom ofthe burn chamber here from the verybottom down in here to the top of theokay we put up two rows of the skinnierones and you have to do it so you coverthe corners so it all overlaps nicelyokay these are the last two rows withwith the chimney part and you dunk itinto that place the hub is doing a greatjob he came from Germany just to buildthat with me I could do the whole thingin German instead of cutting twoseparate barrels we are opting forbuilding the lower part out of bricksbecause we have lots of bricks and thenI got for free and so we are opting offbuilding that and we haven't put ittogether yet we just laid it out to seehow it works and then the barrel willsit on top of that so we just laid itout you could build you could take asecond barrel and put it on here and cutit out around that whole firebox that webut this is another way of doing it andso we opted to do it this way if youwould have another barrel you would haveto connect the two of them stick theminto each other and connect them somehowand so I think this will be the betteroption right here guys we built thatlower part out of red bricks and it'snot it's just trying nine we still haveto fill in the gaps because I guess airis our enemy and it needs to be allfilled in and so on top of this on topwhole thing that round thing that webuilt will be the barrel that's wherethe barrel is gonna sit on on top ofthis burn chamber here this is the burnchamber now and it's 48 inch tall andthen this is the manifold a pipebasically that goes in there so whathappens is we put the fire in there itburns through here it comes out herereally hot circulates around goes backdown on the outside and inside thebarrel and then it goes into this pipeand then the pipe runs back and forthand we've just sort of laid it out it'snot perfect yet but goes into the pipethen it goes up and through the chimneyso that's gonna be the way their hot airgoes and in the process is will heat upwhatever mass we're building here sothat's the next step but I just wantedto show you guys that we're doing itthis way instead of two barrels whereone is like a part of a barrel and theother one is a full barrelhey guys so this has happened yesterdayand seeing that babish the whole fireboxburn chamber yada yada yadaand so that is finished it's still alittle bit wet but it was very warmingso we leave that alone and in the meantime we're starting with the wall herewhich is break and eventually you willslap some black plaster on top of thatso it will look nice I'm not necessarilya brick person but we just used the samewe use the clay that I have on the landmixed with sand and water and you haveto try to overlap the brick so there areno gaps and so that we're building thiswall and then we fill inside of thatwith all kinds of stuff and I boughtsome peace stone and we got to mix itwith more mud and to fill all this upand eventually it goes above the pipe byanother four to six inches and so atthis point which is winging it and hereis a clean-out and on the other end hereis another clean-out so that that endthere but here's a clean-out and we'rewe're mudding around it so that'sbasically what's happening today we'rebuilding that that stone wall okay thestone wall is almost tall enough and itwill eventually get covered with somemud and then paint it and and so we didclose up all the joints with that silverstuff so all the joints they closed upand here's where we're atwe're going along the wall back thereand back here I want to make a littleround thing that will hopefully heat upenough just enough to rise my bread makeit a little bread riser there so that'swhat I want to do in that corner sowe've got warm but not super hot and Ithink that'll be perfect for that orrenting food or any of that stuff so I'mexcited about that little corner andthat's it for now guys we're filling inthe sand mud water mixture and beforethat we put a layer of bricks becausebricks are a really good conductor andso and now we're filling in the mud mixand honestly I don't know whether that'sgood or bad but and I don't know whetheryou guys can see their brakes on thebottom and so we have this mud mix thatwe're gonna press into the bricks andbecause this way we don't have to mix asmuch mud and I got the bricks for freeso they're going in here see it's allfull of bricks here and this looksreally good in the meantime this isfinally starting to dry it was reallywet for a long time but it's a littlebit coming off but this is starting todry so I'm super happy about that andhere is from the other sideand we built this little brick wall allaround it and the reason I'm using brickis simply because I got it for free andif I would have a different material forfree I would use that and then all thesand and the clay is also from the landso I have a lot of clay with the pondthere and then my whole property is asand pit so I'm just using what I haveso I have the least amount that I neededto buy I had to buy those fire brickshere those are all special fabrics allthe light color ones you see so thoseare all bought and the piping of coursebut everything else I got for free soI'm happy and we're using clay and sandand water and in here in the wheelbarrowI bought this stone here the P stonewhich I bought way too much but I'mgonna use it for the entranceway andother stuff also and that is actuallyvery inexpensive it's twenty-fourdollars a yard and if you see my dognext to it so this is three yards that Ibought and it's it's a lot of stone Imean we will not make a dent into thispile with the rocket mass heater and inhere we're mixing some straw in it andso the next layer will be the P stoneand straw and that will all hopefullybind together well and then more of themud and the p stone is also mixed withmud already I think you can see that andthen we put more of the more liquidysort of not as hard mud in there andand then what brakes and another layerof mud and clay and stone and straw andso we layer it and layer it andhopefully they all find with each otherand flow into each other I'm winging itas it goes so we'll see Maya is thejobsite she's like I'm not even lookingthis is I'm gonna dig a holeand play with my tennis ball we aretouching it we are putting stone in andwe are putting bricks in between andlay off the P stone and then we put onstraw also in between and we put the mudon in between so it's all a free-for-allhere but I think it's coming along greatand its really getting taller quicklyand so this area here if it doesn't getas hot is fine I want to store somefirewood there or put on a little bit oflike things that I want to ferment andthe same thing is true for here I justmade that little alcove which won't bethat close to the pipe but here I canhave my bread rise in the winter so Ijust wanted to have little areas forthat and otherwise it's coming alonggreat it's a lot of work but this end isalmost full and we're just filling as wego okay after many many loads of mudmixed fairly loosely the way I'm doingit is we pour it in then I add strawthen I add the pea gravel and punch itin until it's literally I can't push itin any further and let me see whether Ican show you it's starting to get dark alittle bit but see I just freeze it andjust make sure that it all bonds here'sa little bit more here but I just pushit all in and the pipes are almostcovered so we're gonna make a littlefire tonight this is where we gonna putit's like a stove gasket and we're gonnaput that around the barrel around thisand then we need to insulate the chimneysill and then we are ready to make afire so that would be very exciting andI'll try to come on again for that alloho it looks like it's burning into theright direction it's burning no smokecoming out anywhere so forthguys it looks like it's really burningsideways which it should it's goingstraight in there and then burningsideways and then the barrel is startingto have a little bit of a temperatureand not feeling any warmth yet on hereso yeah it's burning okay guys it's allstill trial and error but the fire isgoing great it seems that the small woodand I think you can hear the Rockets outthe Smallwood small part would probablybe the best part like this this thinghere and then up here it's gettingreally hot the water is almost boilingthis is a fan that reacts to eat sothat's going really well and here thestone you can see is already starting toburn starting to dry and see how it'sgetting lighter in color the top stoneshere and then this is the exhaust and Ican easily touch that it feels nice andwarm like a nice warm nice warm keepsblanket type temperature I don't knowwhat the temperature is I don't have athermometer and that goes up and up intoan insulated pipe but it's not very warmbut here you could if you sit down onthis your but we'll definitely get warmalready and so that's starting to dryall the way around and we're gonnafinish that soon but I think the wholeblock needs to dry out firstand this I forgot almost to put inbecause I want to add a few coils ofradiant heat into the next layer andthen hook it up to my radiant floor thatis in my concrete that I put in therewhen I poured it so I definitely want toconnect that to it and really wildnow that the mass is heating up a littlebit there is literally water coming outon the bottom it is really drying likeand so I don't know what that meansI mean we put in too much water in themud but it's fine it's coming out it'sdrying like crazy and now literally whenI put my hand here which there will beanother four inches over top of this buthere it is more my here on the seatwhere the seat will be than it is on thepipe here on the stovepipe that's quiteinteresting because here is where thepiping starts so all the heat comes goesaround and then comes right out here itcomes alongside and then goes goesaround the corner comes back and thengoes up into the chimney so I decidedlast minute that I would like to fillthat corner back there because it mightbe a nice sitting corner and the pipe isfairly close to here so I will probablywarm it up a little bit at least andthere is my kitchen cabinet so we put apiece of metal there and fill it up withand then also around my tree isbasically a piece of metal which I can'timagine because I love it so muchbecause I built this then I can easilydo that so we're putting mud and thenwith this piece tone this is almost okayso I forgot to do something further downand now it was almost too late I'm gonnaput some lines in there the red stuffa radiant floor heat which is in myconcrete but I'm gonna put some lines inthere now and we cannot press them intothe mud that we're adding and thenhopefully that was still working as wework the mud into it we separate thelines all alike here it's a bit of amess and we'll spread them out some morebut I think it will still work and if weget to heat up the the floor a littlebit that will be wonderful and if itdoesn't work you know what then itdoesn't work it's in there just like Iput radiant floor heat in my floor in myconcrete and I never really used it butit's in there in case I want to use itand here's the jobsite director hi Mayawhat do you think yep she's on the tophere is where we're at this is allfilled with the peace stone and mud andstraw and lift it all together and thennow is that not the final layer but thenext to the final layer so we're puttingthat on here again and so this is moreof a rough layer and then we'll putanother layer on to make them edges thatwants it round and but it looks so goodalready it looks really great and it'scoming right along we did a few dayswhere we fired it and let it dry and assoon as you put like when you where itwas just the peace tone and the mud weput a blanket over top like an oldcomforter and underneath it it gotreally really warm so it really makesgenerates a lot of heat and now whenit's just open the heat will just comeout and we're burning it kind of slowjust to to help it dry a little bit butyou know we're just winging it so that'sthat that's the idea and we put theradiant floor heat in there so toconnect to the radiant heat we put somepipes in our and hopefully it would workwhen the water comes out is actuallywarm but it's not connected yetso we'll see how all of that pans outbut I'll be back with more so guys weare at the final layer to put on I'mputting some trials and some decorationand then you can do whatever you wantwith that I'll show you the finishedlater but that is the layer that goes onand we are in the end phase andeventually we'll slap some color on thewhole thing some stain some naturalstain and but this is a hard face tokeep out the whole thing I was justfilming you can decorate them any wayyou want but let's just put some tilesand then on top of with it covered islying right now there is nothing on theside and here's a pile of cushions thatwill eventually be on it guys here isthe finished result the barrel somethingto keep warm back there this is from anold wood stove and what we're doing ishere's the brine chamber right in hereand what we can do is put this on top sowhen the fire sometimes spits a littleit doesn't know little Amber's fallout Istill need to wipe over one more timethat little still little dusty but I putin tiles and little tiles and then justsome stones which they're actually thatlittle the little pebbles that he willput in the bottom of a vase and thatturned out good the black stones needmore polishing they're still a littledusty but this is the rocket mass heaterand so there are basically two sets ofcushions on here that are free the redones are an old couch and the other onethe green greenish stuff I get from thedump and you know it's underneath hereit's still warm even though the lasttime there was a fire was at 7:00 knowlike at 4:00 p.m. yesterday and now it's1:00 1:00 p.m. today so in over 20 hoursit's still it's still warm so that's thewhole rocket mass heater and it tookabout altogether a good two weeks tobuild but it's because of the actualdrying time you have to let it dry inbetween layers a little bit and there'sstill moisture coming out we weresitting on the couch yesterday eveningand with the heat on there's stillmoisture coming out so your butt stillfeels a little bit wet but it'llprobably be like that for a while longertoday it's too warm for me to fire it upI don't want to die from a heat strokebecause yesterday honestly windows openand it was still way too hot and andtoday it's like 75 so there's no way I'mfiring this thing up I'm gonna die atnight and all my animals withbut this is it and in between dryingtimes I would sometimes just throw thatold comforter on top to keep the heat insome and it would really heat up muchmore and it would also press themoisture out from the sides more andlike I said it's still drying it'llstill probably be drying for a couplemore weeks till it's really reallysolidly dry but I absolutely love it Ithink it looks nice and it's a greataddition to this cabin in a great cozykettle space so I hope you feel inspiredand built one as well forgot to tell youguys one more thing we took theinsulation off off the burn chamber hereand just covered it with bricks andclosed that in but we took theinsulation off of here and we haveinsulation on the inside wrapped aroundthe Mason chimney so I just wanted toadd that in case we forgot and what Iused is basically it's sort of an inchto inch thick porcelain insulation thatI bought at the woodstove store and thenthe Barrow is sitting on this rope stuffthat you would also have on wood stovedoors so that's how we closed it all offand inside there like I said the Masonchimney is wrapped with insulation allright good luck everybodyJimmy is checking it out bye guysokay I hope you had a great timewatching it and now go ahead usewhatever materials you have I dorecommend the book which I showed andotherwise you know have a wonderful timeand don't be afraid of making mistakes Idon't think there are any big mistakesthat you can make people have beenmaking Cobb type ovens for eons and sogood luck and send me a picture when youmake one and if you really like theyou know I don't have a monetizedchannel or anything like that but if youdo feel there was value in it make adonation to happy heart sanctuary it'shappy heart sanctuary dot o-r-g andthat's my sanctuary for goats andchickens and sheep and ducks and geeseand all those wonderful animals we are aregistered 501 C 3 so if you like we canalso send your receipt and that's itthank you for watching have a wonderful
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