
Unit 9: Can youcome to my party?



Can you + V原+其他?意为“你能……吗?”


1.      接受邀请:Sure. I’d love to.

That sounds good/ great.

That’s a good idea.

2.      拒绝邀请:Sorry +理由。

I’m afraid not. +理由。

I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. +理由。

通常理由:I have to …或I’m going to…类的句型。如:

--Can you come to my party?

--Sure, I’ve love to.

--Sorry, I have to see the dentist.


Can she/ he/ they +V原+其他? 意为“她/他/他们能…吗?”答语分别为:

1.      肯定回答:Yes, she/ he/ they can.

2.      否定回答:No, she/ he/ they can’t.或

No, she/ he is not available/ free.

No, they are not available/ free.如:

--Can he play football tomorrow?

-- Yes, he can./ No, he can’t.


1. too much, much too, too many三者区别

Too much意为“太多”,可单独使用,也可在后面加不可数名词。如:

He eats too much.

He eats too much ice cream.

Much too意为“太,非常”,后面加adj或adv.如:

He is much too tired, so he slept all day.

Too many意为“太多”,不可单独使用,后面要加可数名词得数。和too much相对应。如:

He has too many pens, he doesn’t know which one to use.


1.        On Saturday afternoon在周六下午

2.        prepare for an exam为考试做准备

3.        go to the doctor去看医生

4.        have the flu得流感

5.        help my parents帮我父母亲

6.        meet my friend见我的朋友

7.        invite +人+to+地点  邀请某人去某地

8.        invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事

9.        That’s too bad.那太糟糕了。

10.    Maybe another time.也许下次吧。

11.    Thanks for asking.感谢您邀请我。

12.    go bike riding去骑自行车

13.    hang out with sb.和某人在外闲逛

14.    study for a math test为了数学考试而学习

15.    accept an invitation接受邀请

16.    make an invitation做邀请函

17.    look after...= take careof...   照顾......

18.    turn down=refuse拒绝

19.    help sb. do sth.=help sb. to dosth.帮某人做某事

20.    improve my English提高我的英语

21.    the best way to do sth.= thebest way of doing sth.做某事的最好方式

22.    bring sb. to sw.带某人去某地

23.    take a trip to sw.去某地旅行

24.    at the end of+时间  在......末尾

25.    help out帮忙

26.    by now至目前为止

27.    have a surprise party for her给她举行惊喜晚会

28.    any of these things任何这些事情

29.    by this Friday截止到这周五

30.    without +Ving没有做……

31.    so that目的是,为了……

32.    look forward to+n./pron./Ving盼望着,期望着…

33.    hear from sb. = get sb.’sletter= receive sb’s letter收到某人的来信

34.    the opening of…  …的开业式

35.    on the morning of Wednesday= inthe morning on Wednesday在周三的早上

36.    as a gift作为礼物

37.    reply in writing to thisinvitation请书面回复此邀请函


1.      Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday.Sam直到下周三才会走呢。

2.      --What’s today?今天几号,星期几?

–It’s Monday,the 14th.今天周一,14号。

3.      --What day is it today?今天星期几?

–It’s Monday.今天星期一。

4.      What’s the date today?今天几号?

–It is the 14th.今天14号。

5.      What a good idea!多么好的一个主意啊!

6.      I’m sad to see her go.看到她走我很难过。

7.      Let me know if you need myhelp.如果你需要我的帮助,请告诉我。

8.      Who are you going to the movieswith?你将和谁一起去看电影?

9.      I already have a great ideaabout how to do that.对于如何做那个,我已经有了一个特别好的主意。


