

Song Wenfeng, male, was born in April 1963, born from Lishu County, Siping City, Jilin Province, and a member of the Artists Branch of Siping Cultural Enterprise Association, Jilin Province.



In Jilin Province, Mr.Song Wenfeng is a calligrapher worth mentioning. He not only has profound calligraphy skills, but also made great achievements in poetry creation. He combines poetry and calligraphy to raise books with literature, pure book style, full of charm, magnificent, impressive!


Mr.Song Wenfeng has worked hard for decades. His works are like flowing water and flood dragon, which are of artistic appreciation. He is deeply praised and praised by colleagues in the calligraphy circle, and also won many dazzling honors. His works won the 19th National Congress of the CPC in 2017. Calligraphy and Painting praise China "National Calligraphy and Painting Competition Calligraphy Group Silver Award; 2021" calligraphy China. Danqing Cup "National Calligraphy and Painting Competition ranked third, the personal poetry collection" wild heart don't love " is about to be published (in preparation).


Mr.Song Wenfeng has studied a large number of precious classics of his predecessors, which makes his calligraphy skills look refined. Over the years, he has formed a unique and distinctive artistic style, and his calligraphy is rich and elegant, handsome and natural.


Appreciation of the calligraphy works of the calligrapher Song Wenfeng:


