雅思口语Part 2: 怎样结合双十一,描述你帮助家庭成员的场景?






3分钟学雅思· 第7季 ·第43期




《3分钟学雅思》第七季 第43期 点击观看

Describe a time when a member of your family asked you for help. 

You should say:
When it was
Who asked you for help

What you did
And explain how you felt about it.


In China, November 11th is Singles Day, which is believed to have been started in the 1990s as a way for men in colleges to celebrate being single. It was turned into a shopping event in 2009 by the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and has since become an annual tradition.

Online shopping platforms such as Taobao often display their deals ahead of time with huge discounts to lure and attract single shoppers. But you’ll have to wait for the actual day itself to enjoy those prices. It’s a great chance to stockpile some necessities or start your holiday shopping even though you aren't ready. The prices can be ridiculously cheap, sometimes you may get half off.

However, these years, the rule of the promotions has been increasingly complex, which have put off even some of the most avid bargain hunters, not to mention people like my aunty who is not able to use the Internet that easily. So every time before Single’s Day, my aunty would turn to me for help to deal with all of the coupons and other promotions to get what she wants for the lowest price.


1. e-commerce n. 电商

2. stockpile v. 囤,储备

3. promotion n. 促销

