
It is definitive, the industrialization is an irreversible fact, a direct consequence of the humanity evolution to the comfort and viability, or effectiveness which many person would say. Now, the works in Spain evolve towards building modular, yes, I know that there are several companies that are dedicated to this type of industrialization, but make no mistake… many people in your around have opted for this? Few? Nobody? This is what is changing… and more that will change!


A symptom clear of this change is the fact that a company newly out of the oven (so to speak

has bet heavily by this constructive system, also, entering into the market high-end, concept which presupposes a different quality from what until now we had known. The name of the company: Modular HAUSS, name that, according to themselves, «evokes the word House, in English or Haus, in German, and represents the seriousness and solvency that we want to convey,» okay, we already agree.

这种变化的一个明显的症状是,一家刚刚走出烤箱的公司(可以说是在这个建设性的系统下了很大的赌注,同时,进入市场的高端概念,预设了一个不同的质量,直到现在我们所知道的。公司名称:模块化豪斯(Modular HAUSS),根据自己的名字,“让人想起英语中的House或德语中的Haus,代表我们想要传达的严肃和偿付能力,”好吧,我们已经同意了。

The company born in the year 2013, in the best place that could be born: in a Coffe Shop, in a casual chat between friends who are concerned about the future of their sector and discussing ways to improve it. Clear that these friends were Constructions Villar, with 40 years of experience and the LC architecture study, with 12 years, many of whom have been immersed in the recent economic crisis. Between coffees, occurred to them reinvent the Spanish «brick» model and bring closer it to the Nordic, American or Japanese, systems where the industrialization of construction is a fact.


After a few months probing the market, studying systems, companies, materials etc, they put up their facilities, infrastructures and training of staff to start the career in the mid-2016 (You see why I say of the oven?). Hauss want to eliminate the pejorative component and the bad reputation that has the industrialized construction, due to the poor quality, durability and poor designs of some companies, in other words, have opted to revert this image by one of quality, speed and durability.


They rely on satisfying to the customer more demanding with the high-performance construction, efficient and customizable. Its constructive system is made on the basis of the adaptation of the architectural designs in metal structures of space modules, forged of composite slabs with lightened concrete, inverted flat roof with protection of gravel on cement-bonded particleboard panels, partition walls of double laminated plaster panels, insulating polystyrene, rock wool and thermo-reflective blade (a barrier against solar radiation) to put an end to the execution with flooring, tiling, installations, Interior carpentry, etc.


The use in common of these materials gives a network easily sectional, lightweight, transportable and easy use in work. One of the biggest advantages of the industrial system is the control of implementation, but there is another no less important: the control of the management of waste, of this form decreases the adverse effect to the Environment, that also we need this. In fact since the company assure us that they are very committed to sustainability and energy efficiency, your product has a thermal insulation far above the other systems, in addition, use of air conditioning systems using renewable energy (such as aerothermal), reaching its buildings the maximum energy rating, the A.


Another advantage is that you can customize fully housing, if, for example, you have a design made by an architect, you can contact them and they made you one adaptation respecting the primitive features, sounds good, eh? In a matter of pricing, and taking into account that are the finishes which can increase or decrease the value of the final product, tell us that they are around 900-950 euros built square meter, i.e. among the 108,000 and 114,000 euros for a House of 120 meters, to get an idea, which puts us within competitive in the current market prices.

另一个好处是,你可以完全定制住房,比如,你有一个建筑师的设计,你可以联系他们,他们根据原始的特点为你做了一个适应方案,听起来不错,不是吗?定价的问题,考虑到是可以增加或减少的完成最终产品的价值,告诉我们,他们是约900 - 950欧元建造平方米,即在108000和114000欧元的房子120米,得到一个主意,这使我们在竞争激烈的当前市场价格。

This value includes, in addition to placing «in situ» the prefabricated building, the foundation, fitted kitchen, fitted wardrobes and interior lighting works, fees of the technicians of the project, direction of work, topographic and geotechnical study of the terrain, eye, you not build a building without one. The only thing that is out of the price is transport, which will vary depending on the location, in fact, when we talk with the company told us that they are looking a couple of projects in the Balearic Islands and it does not seem that the economic growth would be infeasible.



One of the most striking aspects, as it can be assumed, is the runtime, which can be between two and three months at the factory, more one month of assembly and time of transfer, i.e., we can have our edification in just five months. In addition, for a certain product, the price that we give to the signing of the contract is (except variables imposed by the purchaser) equal that upon termination, this rare is that occurs with the traditional buildings.



If we want to visit the company, we should us to go to Galicia, from where to bring the product to the rest of the Spanish territory, and, if it arises, beyond its borders (would say the poet). The Cancelas shopping centre, in Santiago de Compostela, houses its pilot housing and Showroom, waiting to realize their new offices in Madrid and Barcelona. Hauss is not only aimed at the creation of modular buildings for residential housing, they can adapt to any circumstance, isolated home, townhouses and housing in height, in rustic or urban terrain to different types: Hotel activities, schools, offices, sports facilities, expansion of existing buildings and any need (conventional or not) that you can require.

如果我们想要参观公司,我们应该去加利西亚,从那里把产品带到西班牙的其他领土,如果它出现了,越过它的边界(诗人会说)。位于圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉(Santiago de Compostela)的Cancelas购物中心设有试点住房和展厅,等待在马德里和巴塞罗那的新办公室落成。haus不仅旨在创建模块化的建筑住房,他们可以适应任何情况,孤立的家里,联排别墅和住宅的高度,在乡村或城市地形不同类型:酒店活动,学校,办公室,体育设施,扩大现有的建筑和任何需要(传统的),你可以要求。

After talking with them, one have the feeling that they have everything well studied, committed to the highest quality in all aspects, in fact, have established a series of alliances with various manufacturers and leading companies, supplying them with materials, their innovative partners include Ulma, Euronit, Giscosa, Knauf, Grespania, and several more thus ensuring the maximum performance and durability.

与他们交谈后,感觉他们都好研究,致力于高质量在所有方面,事实上,已经建立了一系列的与不同的制造商和龙头企业,为他们提供材料,他们的创新合作伙伴包括Ulma, Euronit, Giscosa,可耐福,Grespania,几个从而确保最高性能和耐久性。

As icing on the cake they have signed various agreements with the University of La Coruña, as a study of monitoring one of its homes, for at least one year, to study its thermal behavior and certify its energy efficiency. But, what convinced me (I admit it) is the ease with which we could move our home to another land, looking for new views with the same walls… ask you budget?


