

Can you hear SamSat-218D ?


Students of the Samara State Aerospace University are having trouble getting a signal from their satellite, SamSat-218D. They are now reaching out to the radio amateur community, inviting everybody with sufficiently sensitive VHF band (144 MHz) equipment to help by listening to SamSat-218D. The satellite was entirely built by students and went into space on board of a Soyuz-2 rocket on April 26, 2016.

萨马拉国立航空航天大学的学生在接收他们的卫星samsat - 218 d信号上遇到麻烦。他们现在和无线电业余爱好者社区联系,邀请每个拥有足够灵敏度的VHF波段(144 MHz)无线电设备的火腿帮助接收来自samsat - 218 d的信号。这颗卫星完全是由学生自己设计的,并于2016年4月26日搭乘Soyuz-2火箭进入太空。

This is their call


“To all radio amateurs who have the ability to receive signals from satellites in theVHF band (144 MHz).

“给所有有能力通过VHF波段 (144 MHz)接收卫星信号的业余无线电爱好者。

April 28 during the first launch from the Baikonur East satellite SamSat-218D was launched, created by Samara State Aerospace University.

4月28日,由萨马拉国立航空航天大学研制卫星samsat - 218 d在拜科努尔东第一次发射发射升空。

The satellite beacon, which transmits every 150 seconds (or 30 seconds), the word “SamSat-218D” for 15 seconds at a frequency of 145,870 MHz. The transfer is carried out in Morse code in the CW mode. During the passage of the satellite over our receiving station we hear fragmentary Morse code in background noise, but not sure of the extent of its authenticity.

该卫星信标在145870 MHz的频率每150秒(或30秒)传送“samsat - 218 d”这个词15秒,使用CW模式传输莫尔斯代码。在通过地面卫星接收站时,我们听到断断续续的摩尔斯电码的背景噪音,但不确定是否是噪音。

We ask to listen to broadcast on the aforementioned frequency, record audio and send e teomant@bk.ru. For all matters relating to the reception, ready to provide additional information, if necessary. Handling large amounts of data will allow us to understand the nature of the problem (possibly satellite heavily spun at the exit of the transport and launch container) and try to estimate the rate of rotation “

我们请求如果收听到上述频率的信号,请将记录音频发送电子邮件到 teomant@bk.ru。如果接收到其他的额外的信息也可以提供给我们。处理大量的数据将使我们了解问题的性质(可能是卫星高度旋转的出口运输和发射容器出了问题)并试图评估卫星旋转的速度。”



萨马拉国立航空航天大学(Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolyov ,英文简称SSAU,俄语全名Самарский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика С.П. Королева )又称萨马拉航空航天大学,是为纪念前苏联航天之父、科学院院士谢尔盖·帕夫洛维奇·科罗廖夫所建。是俄罗斯航空航天类院校的最高学府[1]  2009年首批进入俄罗斯联邦“国家研究型大学”之列。萨马拉国立航空航天大学以生产运载火箭,卫星,飞机,各种发动机著称,是俄罗斯航天领域的科教中心。学校为前苏联和俄罗斯的国防科研及民用生产等领域做出了突出贡献,先后参与了米格系列战机、图式轰炸机、“和平”号空间站、“东方”号运载火箭、联盟号运载火箭和暴风雪号航天飞机等项目的研究。它在俄罗斯的地位类似于美国的斯坦福大学和我国的清华大学。




