Metro English-312 - 吃脂肪,减脂肪?

Eat Fat to Lose Weight


If you've been focused on cutting calories for weight loss, you may think that restricting high-fat ingredients, like cooking oils, nuts, or avocados, is a good strategy. After all, fat has more calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein. But calories alone don't tell the whole story. There are two important reasons to include fat in your weight loss program.


Fat Is Filling 脂肪给你饱腹感

Fats take longer to digest than carbohydrates and leaves us feeling full for longer. A smaller portion of food is more satisfying when it contains fat. After eating a balanced meal with some natural fats, we may be less interested in snacking between meals.
For example, eating low-fat cereal with skim milk for breakfast may bring on the hunger pangs early in your workday. A whole egg omelet (don't skip the yolks) or a slice of toast topped with avocado or peanut butter may be better for holding you over until lunchtime. That feeling of fullness can help you skip a mid-morning trip to the vending machine, where you're likely to find empty calorie foods.
Eating natural foods that contain fat helps weight loss efforts by providing more satiety than low-fat foods, especially highly processed ones. The texture of fat, along with how it moves slowly through the digestive system, signals our brains that we have enjoyed a satisfying meal. Eating more fat and less carbohydrate has been shown to boost leptin levels (the hormone that signals our brain that we're full after eating).
Recommendations to follow a fat-free diet for weight loss are no longer considered sound nutritional advice. Eating this way can lead to overeating and promote feelings of deprivation.
Instead, choose higher-fat foods carefully and work on recognizing the right portion size. A single serving of cheese, for example, is just one ounce or about the size of two dominoes. A single serving of peanut butter is just two (level) tablespoons. Though it's not necessary to measure everything you eat, remember that it takes less fat to feel full.

Fat Tastes Good 含脂肪的食物好吃

Even when we use healthy meal preparation methods, adding a little bit of fat for flavor can be a good idea. Everything tastes better with a pat of butter or a drizzle of olive oil. We are naturally inclined to prefer the taste of foods that contain fat.
If adding some creamy dressing or oil helps you enjoy a fresh salad or plate of roasted vegetables, then this is a win-win. Fat helps our bodies absorb fat-soluble vitamins from vegetables and turns them into a more filling (and delicious) meal. If your vegetables go untouched unless a little bit of butter is added, then go for it. Making veggies taste better means you'll be more inclined to eat them.
On the flip side, fat-free products often have extra sugar added to compensate for the loss in flavor. Fat-free salad dressings and desserts are more likely to be high in sugar. The extra sugar in these products makes them less healthy and filling than their higher-fat counterparts. Don't be fooled into assuming that fat-free is healthier.

pang  突然的疼痛(或痛苦);

leptin level   瘦素水平

deprivation  剥夺

win-win  双赢

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