apples and pears 居然不是苹果和梨!?
'I'll just go up theapples and pearsto bed.'
它是一句cockney rhyming slang(*cockney=伦敦居民),译为是伦敦押韵俚语。通俗点来讲是:日常生活中常用的,有押韵的俗语/俚语。中文里举例的话,就类似我们上面提到过的“一天一苹果,医生远离我。”

she's apples
不是她的苹果!这是一句常出现在澳州和新西兰口语中的俗语,特别是在澳洲。它是从另一句俗语'apples and spices'演变出来的。意思是“没事;一切都会好起来的;别担心”,也可说'it's apples'。
A: 'I hope my speech is OK. I just found out I'm the keynote speaker at the conference!'(*conference=会议)
B: 'I'm sure she's apples. With how hard you've worked on it, there's no way it isn't!'

apple-pie order
'Don't worry, we'll find that file. Elaine keeps all the records in apple-pie order.'

the Big Apple
不是“大苹果”!它是纽约(New York City)的一个口语化的称呼,也算是一个昵称。它最早是出现在The Wayfarer in New York这本书里。
'We spent the weekend in the Big Apple.'

一些神秘的cockney rhyming slang
Adam & Eve 相信
'Don't Adam & Evehim.'
2. Life & Death 呼吸
'Ooh, I'm almost out of Life & Death.'
3. Dog & Bone 电话
'Who's that on the Dog and Bone?'
4. Jack Jones 独自的
'I've been sat here all on me Jack Jones.'