
the difference between a benefit finder and a fault finder is that the benefit finder understands that while things don’t necessarily happen for the best, it is possible to make the best of things that happen. things will be ok, things will turn out fine.

如有的人得了各种病,如果是benefit finder, 会活得更久




  1. why isn’t everyone optimistic?

  2. how do i become?

happiness is detached, how can you be happy in this kind of world, you must be Pollyannish.

the media does focus to the great extent on the negative.

single sentence of appreciation can give us strength to go on, of course it should be genuine.

《Sullivan’s Travels》 苏利文的旅行


we are change detecters

it’s a good thing to adapt, also in terms of difficulty

what I am going to tell you now is no going to make sense. but it’s true, you are going to get over this.

when we adapt, we also take things for granted. and that’s not a good thing.

when do we appreciate our health, our family, our friend

when we are grateful for something, we no longer take it for granted.

one of the ways to do it is to identify everyday just one or two things to do mindfully, to focus on them, whether it’s the first cup of coffee in the dinning hall, whether it’s wall to class, whether it’s 10 minutes in the afternoon when you just listen to the music in your room by yourself with your eyes closed and focused, appreciating your favorite piece. take our time to not just become wine connoisseurs, but also life connoisseurs.

to be numb is to be dead.

and it takes us a wake-up call like a terminal disease to wake us up? to get us to focus on what is right inside us or all around us all the time? why? why wait? why wait?

the group that performed the best that is happiest, most optimistic, most likely to achieve their goals, most generous and benevolent toward other people and healthiest, was the group every night before going to bed wrote at least five things for which they were grateful. both psychological and health benefits.

now the key with this is to do it as well. is it cheesy? absolutely. does it make a difference? absolutely.

my wife do it every day on regular basis. she puts up with my cheesiness. it helps. it works because we don’t take things in our life for granted.

the key to do this is to maintain freshness. how?

1. variaty

2. look the things that do not be noticed before, creating novel distinctions, looking at it mindfully, focusing on it.

we become numb a lot of these things, one of the ways to chip away the numbness, one of the ways to do it is too visualize, and once we visualize, we start to see things once again like kids do.

my grandmother told me that this is a beautiful world. i believe her, thank you



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