
碳水化合物从叶片源向库组织的分配是植物生长发育所必需的。玉米(Zea mays)隐性碳水化合物分配缺陷28 (cpd28)和cpd47突变体表现出叶片褪绿和淀粉和可溶性糖的积累。利用14c -蔗糖(Suc)进行转运研究发现,cpd28和cpd47突变体的成熟叶片出口相对于野生型显著减少。结果表明,cpd28突变体在成熟叶中韧皮部压力降低,未成熟叶和成熟叶韧皮部细胞壁超微结构发生改变。我们鉴定了脆性茎秆like3 (BK2L3)基因的致病突变,该基因是COBRA家族的成员,参与了被子植物细胞壁的发育。先前描述的COBRA基因中没有一种被报道影响碳水化合物出口。与其他特征的COBRA成员一致,BK2L3蛋白定位于质膜,突变体使暗生长的嫩枝和初生根的矮化表型,以及根伸长区各向异性细胞伸长的损失。同样,两个突变体在成熟叶片中表现出明显的纤维素缺乏。


Carbohydrate partitioning from leaves to sink tissues is essential for plant growth and development. The maize (Zea mays) recessive carbohydrate partitioning defective28 (cpd28) and cpd47 mutants exhibit leaf chlorosis and accumulation of starch and soluble sugars. Transport studies with 14C-sucrose (Suc) found drastically decreased export from mature leaves in cpd28 and cpd47 mutants relative to wild-type siblings. Consistent with decreased Suc export, cpd28 mutants exhibited decreased phloem pressure in mature leaves, and altered phloem cell wall ultrastructure in immature and mature leaves. We identified the causative mutations in the Brittle Stalk2-Like3 (BK2L3) gene, a member of the COBRA family, which is involved in cell wall development across angiosperms. None of the previously characterized COBRA genes are reported to affect carbohydrate export. Consistent with other characterized COBRA members, the BK2L3 protein localized to the plasma membrane, and the mutants condition a dwarf phenotype in dark-grown shoots and primary roots, as well as the loss of anisotropic cell elongation in the root elongation zone. Likewise, both mutants exhibit a significant cellulose deficiency in mature leaves. Therefore, BK2L3 functions in tissue growth and cell wall development, and this work elucidates a unique connection between cellulose deposition in the phloem and whole-plant carbohydrate partitioning.




