雅思口语 | Part1话题:Teacher 高分语料
1 give one's time unstintingly 不遗余力地投入了所有的时间
(unstintingly /ʌn'stɪntɪŋlɪ/ 慷慨地,大方地

I'm really into Tina who gives her time unstintingly, and she's really dedicated to the cause. 我真的好喜欢Tina, 她不遗余力地投入了所有的时间,全身心地奉献给了这项事业。
2 be strikingly good-looking 相貌出众
Niya is strikingly good-looking, with a vivacious smile. Niya 老师相貌出众,笑容充满活力。
3 work tirelessly 孜孜不倦地工作
William worked tirelessly to help students prepare for the test. 威廉老师孜孜不倦地帮助学生备考。
4 give lessons delightfully 兴高采烈地上课
Sharon often gives lessons delightfully. 虾仁常常兴高采烈地给学生上课。
5 draw near 走近
The teacher was really strict, but she drew near later on. 这老师一开始有点严格,后来就走近了。
6 pull off 成功
I pulled it off due to the teacher's help. 因为这个老师的帮助,我成功了。
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