
BBC纪录片:冰雪世界 第一集

1 Over one third of our planet is frozen, and yet the icy worlds of the Actic and Antarctic are as alien to most of us as the surface. 我们的星球有三分之一被冰雪覆盖,然而北冰洋和南极洲的冰雪世界对大多数人来说简直是外星地表。

2 They are places of superlatives, from ice caps that hold nearly 80% of our planet's fresh water to frozen forests that encircle the entire globe.这里充满了各种极致,从冰帽里贮藏着地球上80%的淡水到环绕星球一周的冰冻森林。

3 These are places that feed our imaginations,places that seem to be borrowed from fairy tales. 这些地方能引起我们的想象,宛如从童话中借来的一般。

4 They are dominated and shaped by the ice, both by its coming and by its going. 它们由冰雪主宰和塑造,无论是因其前进还是后退.

5 This is our planet's last true wilderness, and one that is changing just as we're beginning to understand it.这是我们星球最后的真正荒原。而且在我们刚开始了解它的时候它正在变化。

语法:that is changing 现在进行时

6 In this series, we'll be travelling to all parts of these lonely lands both north and south to witness its wonders perhaps for the last time and to discover some extraordinary examples of survival against all the odds as can be found anywhere on the planet. 在本系列中,我们会前往这些遍及地球南北的孤寂之地。也许是最后一次见证那里的奇观。并且要探索一些地球上在最为恶劣严酷的环境下生存的非凡代表。

词汇:against the odds 迎难而上


I'll be talking about animals this class.我们这节课会谈谈动物。( 你这节课不会上一辈子吧,就是比如从7点上到8点的时间区间)

 I'll be dining out with my girlfriend tonight. 我今晚会和女朋友一起进餐。(今天晚上也不会是一辈子吧,大概就是那么几个小时区间)


I'll work hard. 我会好好努力工作的。(心里想着,哼,为啥要工作,有可能说的是80岁的时候)

I'll be working hard this weekend. 我这周末会好好努力工作的。(这就不一样了,有区间呀,我这周末一定好好工作,因为也许不好好工作就会被炒了啊)

这就是为啥be going to 比will决心要强,因为前者强调了将来进行呀~哈哈哈

如果我要做演讲肯定用Today I'll be talking about..., 而不是I'll talk about...,因为前者气场两米八呀~

