经济学人讣告 | 奔跑是一种信仰(感想几千字,强烈建议阅读)

Running as religion

Running as religion
Milkha Singh, “The Flying Sikh”, died on June 18th, aged 90 or 91
Before his best race, at the British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Cardiff in 1958, Milkha Singh was under far too much stress to sleep. That day he prayed, touched his forehead to the ground and promised to do his best; but the honour of India, he told God, was in His hands. This was, after all, the new India, independent of Britain for only a decade, striving to win gold in games where, as a part of empire, it had never done before.
1958年,卡迪夫英联邦运动会上,米尔哈·辛格(Milkha Singh)跑出了生涯最佳成绩;比赛前夕,他压力过大,彻夜难眠。那天,他叩首祷告神灵,发誓要倾尽全力;他对神说,印度的荣誉掌握在祂手中。毕竟,这是从英国独立仅10年的新生印度,力求能在英联邦运动会上夺取金牌,完成曾作为帝国一部分时从未实现的突破。
Sikhs are people associated with Sikhism, a monotheistic religion that originated in the 15th century in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent, based on the revelation of Guru Nanak.The term Sikh has its origin in the word śiṣya (शिष्य), meaning 'disciple' or 'student'.
On the track for the 440-yard sprint, Malcolm Spence of South Africa, the world-record holder, was the man he was watching. But if he ran as he planned to, Spence was no danger. He shot from the start as fast as possible, led in the final straight, thought Spence was nowhere near but then, in a second, sensed him over his shoulder. At the line, with six inches between them, Spence failed to pass him, and he won the gold. The stadium erupted. As the Indian national anthem was played and the tricolour ascended, it seemed that 100,000 Englishmen rose to their feet. The sister of Jawaharlal Nehru, the prime minister, hugged him afterwards, telling him that he had made India the pride of the world.
在440码的短跑赛道上,辛格密切注视着当时(该项目)的世界纪录保持者,来自南非的马尔科姆·斯彭斯(Malcolm Spence)。如果辛格能按照自己的节奏跑,斯彭斯并不能构成威胁。辛格从一开始就全力冲刺,在最后的直道依然处于领先;他以为斯彭斯已经被甩开了,但很快,他感觉到斯彭斯已近在咫尺。抵达终点时,斯彭斯还是未能超过辛格,辛格以6英寸的微弱优势领先,夺得金牌。整个体育馆沸腾了。现场升起印度国旗、奏响印度国歌,约10万英国人起立致敬。时任印度总理贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)的妹妹之后拥抱了辛格,对他说因为他,印度成为了世界的骄傲。
rise to (one's) feet: To come to one's feet; to stand up.
Those Britishers who stood to salute him, however, knew almost nothing about him. To them he was just an exotic person, a village boy with a Sikh top-knot who ran with his arms gracefully waving and usually went barefoot, though for international meetings he wore shoes. They did not know that, for him, running was not a sport. It was everything, his religion, his beloved, life.
As a child, a farmer’s son, he ran to escape the poverty of Gobindpura, in Punjab, and to get an education. The school was 10km away, across sands that burned so hot in summer that he and his friends would have to jump between cooling pads of grass. But at the age of 14 or 15 in the year of Partition, 1947, he ran to save his very life. The state of Punjab was being split then between India and Pakistan, and crowds of Muslim outsiders—not the gentle Muslims he knew as neighbours—suddenly arrived in the village. They began killing, leaving the mutilated bodies for dogs, and ordered his family to convert to Islam or die. One night they came, with swords and axes, to slash his parents’ throats and hack his siblings to death. His father, dying, shouted: “Run, Milkha, run! Bhaag, Milkha, bhaag!” He raced for the forest, crying.
他是农民的儿子。小时候,他跑步是为了逃离贫困的旁遮普邦高宾普拉(Gobindpura),能够有学上。学校离家有10公里远,途径一片沙地,一到夏天就热得发烫。他和朋友们不得不从凉爽的草垫上跳着走。但在1947年印巴分治时,十四五岁的他跑步是为了保命。当时印度和巴基斯坦正在争夺旁遮普邦,成群结队的穆斯林外来者(不是他所熟悉的那些和睦的穆斯林邻居)突然闯进村里。他们开始屠杀,把残破不堪的尸体扔给狗吃,还逼迫辛格的家人皈依伊斯兰教,否则就是死路一条。一天晚上,他们挥着剑和斧头,割断了辛格父母的喉咙,砍死了他的兄弟姐妹。父亲临死前还(朝辛格)大喊:“快跑,米尔哈,快跑! 逃命啊!”他哭着向森林里飞快地跑去。
There followed a time of scrapes, when he hopped trains as a refugee, shoeless and starving, and became a petty thief, running from the police. Eventually the army took him on. There he discovered running of a new kind, with coaching, races over set lengths, and prizes. The first race he won rewarded him with nourishment, a daily glass of milk. The first track he saw, decked with flags, enchanted him. In his first cross-country (“What is cross-country?”) he got stomach cramps and sat down whenever they gripped him, but still came sixth out of 400 runners.
scrape: difficult situation 窘境
Sixth was good; first was better. So began the hard, necessary work, six hours a day. He ran in fatigue time, when other jawans were doing chores, and at night, when they were playing cards. He laboured up steep hillsides and across loose sand to build his leg muscles, and honed his upper body with weights. He ran until he filled a bucket with his sweat, until he urinated blood or collapsed with exhaustion and had to go to the hospital. He took his body to the limit out of pride, and for India. His coaches and his doctors remonstrated every time, but it was no good. He would imagine a crowded stadium, the wild applause, his burst across the finish line, the Indian flag rising—and exhaust himself all over again.
Iron discipline paid off. He took four golds at the Asian games, besides the gold in Cardiff, and won more than 70 of his 80 international races. In 1956, at his first Olympics in Melbourne, he was eliminated in the heats but did not waste the trip. He asked the American gold medallist in the 400 metres, Charles Jenkins, to share his training schedule, and for the next four years a chit of paper with Jenkins’s world-record time, 46.7 seconds, was propped beside his picture of Guru Nanak as the focus of his prayers.
铁律获得了回报。除却在卡迪夫拿到的金牌,辛格又在亚运会上斩获四枚金牌,他参与的80场国际比赛有70多场都是冠军。在1956年的墨尔本,他第一次参加奥运会,没能闯过预赛,却不虚此行。他请求400米金牌得主、美国选手查尔斯·延金斯(Charles Jenkins)向他分享训练计划。接下来的四年里,他把延金斯保持的46.7秒的400米世界纪录写在一张纸条上,垫在拿那克宗师画像的旁边,做为祈祷的目标。
Guru Nanak: 拿那克宗师(1469.4.15 - 1539.9.7),锡克教创始人,首任锡克教宗师(Guru),确立了锡克教反对种姓制度的思想。
In 1960, at the Rome Olympics, his time was 45.6. It was an Indian national record but not, alas, the world record, because he did not win that 400-metre sprint. Though he led for the first 200 metres or so, he then slowed, glanced back, and could not regain his rhythm. Three runners passed him. It was Spence who, by 0.1 of a second, pipped him for the bronze. It was the worst day of his life, excepting only that day when his parents had been killed. Even the national record he had set then was electrically retimed to 45.73, and in 1998 a policeman broke it. By then he had long retired from competition, unable ever to forgive himself for that lapse in Rome.
He did, however, manage to forgive others. In 1960 he was invited to Lahore for a meeting that would pit him against Pakistan’s champion sprinter, Abdul Khaliq. At first, he refused to go. How could he? His childhood home was there now, still soaked with blood. It was Nehru who convinced him that there needed to be friendship between the two new, raw nations, so he went. The moment he crossed the border, to his surprise, he was welcomed with flags and flowers. And when he won his race, the Pakistani prime minister whispered to him, in Punjabi, that he had not run that day; he had actually flown. “Pakistan bestows on you”, he said, “the title of 'The Flying Sikh’.”
不过,他仍试着努力原谅其他事情。1960年,他受邀来到拉合尔(Lahore),与巴基斯坦短跑冠军阿卜杜尔·卡利克(Abdul Khaliq)比了一场。最开始他不愿意去。怎么会愿意呢?他儿时的家现在归了巴基斯坦,依旧血迹斑斑。是尼赫鲁说服了他,告诉他两个新生的国家之间需要友谊,他这才动身前往。令他惊讶的是,跨过两国国界线那一刻,迎接他的是旗帜和鲜花。赢下和卡利克的对决后,巴基斯坦总理用旁遮普语在他的耳边低声说道:“您不是在跑,是在飞。”接着,总理宣布:“巴基斯坦授予您'锡克飞人’的称号。”
He took it up joyfully, and so did his fans. It gave wings to his celebrity, which peaked in 2013 with a top-grossing Bollywood film of his life. In retrospect “The Flying Sikh” was perhaps his favourite honour, though he had also received the Padma Shri, India’s fourth-highest for civilians. (He was scornful of more common awards, like the Arjuna, that were handed out to almost anyone like prasad in a temple.) As an athlete, he had run for nothing more than his country and his countrymen’s applause. And, despite everything that had happened, he had two countries. Wherever he ran, he said, both India and Pakistan ran with him. It was as if in Milkha Singh, for brief seconds, they found unity again.
他欣然接受了这一称号,他的跑迷们也很高兴。这一称号让他声名鹊起,2013年一部描绘他生平的宝莱坞电影斩获印度票房冠军,他的名声达到顶峰。回顾往事,尽管获得了印度公民第四高荣誉“莲花士勋章”(the Padma Shri),但“锡克飞人”的称号或许是他的最爱(他对一般荣誉嗤之以鼻,比如阿朱那奖,就和寺庙里的神食一样人手皆有)。作为一名运动员,他只为自己的国家和同胞的掌声奔跑。尽管发生了这么多事,他依然有两个祖国。他说,无论自己在哪里奔跑,印度和巴基斯坦都与他同行;仿佛在米尔哈·辛格身上,这两个国家再一次短暂地合为一体。
1.The Padma Shri:莲花士勋章,在印度的公民荣誉勋章系统中位列第四档,居于印度国宝勋章(Bharat Ratna)、莲花赐勋章(Padma Vibhushan)和莲花装勋章(Padma Bhushan)之后,也是印度莲花系列勋章中档次最低的勋章。莲花士勋章一般由印度政府颁发给在国民生活各个领域有“杰出贡献”的印度公民,并附赠莲花士勋章受勋证书,每年在印度共和日(1月26日)颁发。(下图为莲花士勋章的样式概念图)
2.Arjuna:此处指阿朱那奖(The Arjuna award)。该奖以梵语史诗《摩诃婆罗多》中象征勤劳、决心和专注的阿朱那王子命名,主要颁发给在少数几项国际大赛(如奥运会、亚运会、英联邦运动会)上表现突出的印度运动员。在2018年改制之前,所有体育项目均可获评阿朱那奖,因此就形成了“人人都有”的场景。
4.描绘米尔哈·辛格一生的宝莱坞电影是《灵魂奔跑者》(Bhaag Milkha Bhaag,2013),由印度著名穆斯林影星法尔汉·阿赫塔尔(Farhan Akhtar)饰演米尔哈·辛格。
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