

It was a very hot day. As I was sitting on the bench, waiting for class to begin, I saw Timothy waving a brown paper bag at Jenna. Happily, the two of them walked away to somewhere.

_33 _They stopped at a quieter area behind the library, "Strange, "I thought. "









因为C. Out of curiosity, I followed Timothy and Jenna.

D. Timothy was only collecting money from Jenna for the comic book.

F. I saw what the two of you had done.

三个选项都有含有与上段重复的名称,即Timothy 、Jenna、saw所以答案在C、D、F当中选。

上段:Timothy 、 Jenna.下段:?

上段:I saw ...下段I watched....

上段:the two of them walked away to... 下段:?

上段和下段都含有saw和watched,所以我们判断I和Timothy 、 Jenna在同一个地方。因为上文walked away to,如果I要再次watched,那么他就要跟着他们一起离开。而C选项的followed与walked away to意思一致,故第37题选C.

They must be up to something!" I watched them from behind a large tree and saw Jenna pass some money to Timothy. Timothy then passed the paper bag to Jenna, Both of them were smiling and seemed very happy._ 34 __Timothy must be selling answers to the holiday worksheets to Jenna!

第34题设空前是I watched,设空后是 Timothy must be...




2、must be

用法:must be是表示被动,用来表示推测。


B. A thought suddenly came into my mind.

中的thought与must be 语义重复。即推测的是作者的想法,故选B.

It made sense to me as Timothy was an excellent student and Jenna always needed help in her homework. I could not stop myself and jumped out from behind the tree. I cried,"__ 35_ "



前句写I watched,而

F. I saw what the two of you had done.恰好是watched的结果,总结了watched的具体情况。而saw与watched语义重复,故选F.

Timothy and Jenna were surprised. "What is happening?" Jenna asked. After I told them what I had thought, they laughed. I turned out that in the bag was a special comic book bought by Timothy's brother._ 36_ Once I heard the explanation,

段落中设空:优先选与段落前后有重复的词。因为D. Timothy was only collecting money from Jenna for the comic book. 中的comic book 与文章中I turned out that in the bag was a special comic book bought by Timothy's brother.中的comic book 语义重复,故选D.

I turned red. I wished the ground would swallow (吞下) me then to save me from the shame. I said sorry for my mistake and quickly ran away.__ 37




A. I will never trust them again.

E. I will never jump to conclusions again.

两个选项。根据文章I said sorry for my mistake and quickly ran away.中的sorry,可排出A,故选E。

A. I will never trust them again.

B. A thought suddenly came into my mind.

C. Out of curiosity, I followed Timothy and Jenna.

D. Timothy was only collecting money from Jenna for the comic book.

E. I will never jump to conclusions again.

F. I saw what the two of you had done.

G. Luckily, they invited me to join them.

