近日,新西兰疫苗咨询中心(The Immunisation Advisory Center)发布公告,

Two batches of DTaP vaccine were recalled by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) on October 29, 2017 after failing potency testing. This issue is one of vaccine potency, not vaccine safety i.e. the vaccines are not expected to have caused any harm but may have not induced a protective immune response.
None of these vaccines were distributed within New Zealand.
Please consider DTaP vaccines administered to children from March to October 2017 in Hebei, Shandong and Chongqing provinces to be invalid. The Ministry of Health and IMAC advises these children should be offered re-vaccination, if requested, as per catch up recommendations. Serology testing is not required to determine a child’s immune status prior to offering re-vaccination. Should parents wish to have an additional dose of the vaccine, there are no significant safety concerns associated with receiving an additional dose, although children may have an increased local reaction such as redness or swelling at the vaccination site.
To work out if an additional dose is required please consider the child’s current age and the number of previous doses of DTaP received as per Appendix 2 of the Immunisation Handbook.
It is likely that the only age groups of children impacted would be those between approximately 3 months and 24 months of age at the time they were immunised in China, given the vaccine schedule used there and allowing for late administration.
Should a child need re-vaccination, the vaccines to be used would be those included on the NZ Immunisation Schedule i.e. DTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib (Infanrix Hexa®) or DTaP-IPV (Infanrix-IPV).
儿童如果确定需要重新接种疫苗,那么将被重新接种新西兰免疫接种计划中的无细胞百白破联合疫苗,即DTaP-IPV-HepB/Hib(Infanrix Hexa®)或DTaP-IPV(Infanrix IPV)。
If the child’s overseas vaccinations were entered onto the NIR, and these doses need to be repeated, they should be noted as 'invalid’. Invalidating doses will require a phone call or fax to your NIR administrator. The new doses are entered as per usual onto the PMS, and messaged through to the NIR.
如果儿童在海外接种的疫苗在国家免疫登记处(National Immunisation Register)的清单上,那么这些疫苗应该是“无效”的,需要重新注射。可以通过电话或者传真联系国家免疫登记处(NIR)监管员,以确认疫苗是否属于无效。疫苗重新注射后将在操作管理系统(Practice Management System)进行记录,并报备给国家免疫登记处(NIR)。
As there is a large amount of vaccine given within China, the batches of concern are an extremely small portion of all vaccines delivered and we expect the number of children in NZ requiring revaccination to be limited.