1、你应该以这样一种方式生活,没有什么事情不容易告诉你的敌人,也没有什么事情不容易告诉你的敌人。You should live in such a way that there is nothing which you could not as easily tell your enemy as keep to yourself.2、没有人比那些让自己遭受悔恨之鞭的人受到更严厉的惩罚了。There is no person so severely punished,as those who subject themselves to the whip of their own remorse.
3、意志,命运引导着他们。不甘心,命运拖着他们。The willing,destiny guides them.the unwilling,destiny drags them.4、如果一个人只知道用伤害自己的东西来代替最好的东西,那他就不可能是理智的。No man can be sane who searches for what will injure him in place of what is best.
5、只要有人类,就有仁慈的机会。Wherever there is a human being,there is an opportunity for kindness.6、有更多的事情让我们惊恐而不是伤害我们,我们遭受更多的是恐惧而不是现实。There are more things to alarm us than to harm us,and we suffer more often in apprehension than reality.
7、生命是非常短暂的,对于那些忘记过去、忽视现在、恐惧未来的人来说,他们焦虑不安。Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past,neglect the present,and fear the future.8、不要视生命为敌人,要与生命并肩而行。Never treat your life as your enemy instead walk with it along.
9、真正破坏我们性格的是我们没有人回顾他的一生。What really ruins our character is the fact that none of us looks back over his life.10、愤怒如果不加以克制,对我们的伤害往往比激起它的伤害更大。Anger,if not restrained,is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it.
11、享受当下的快乐而不伤害未来的快乐。Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones.12、我们要不傲慢地接受,冷漠地放手。So,to accept without arrogance,to let it go with indifference.#情感#