西班牙艺术家 Vicente Romero Redondo凭几支色粉笔骗了无数人,画中的绝美少女和自...

西班牙浪漫现实主义画家文森特·罗梅罗·雷东杜(Vicente Romero Redondo),1956年出生于马德里,是四个儿子中最大的一个。由于父亲的工作,他在西班牙各地的许多不同城镇长大。这家人15岁时搬回了马德里。


罗梅罗实现了他的梦想:他开始在西班牙最负盛名的艺术学校圣费尔南多艺术高中学习 - 萨尔瓦多·达利从1922年至1926年在那里学习。在他的第一年里,他把时间投入到雕塑上,但很快意识到只有通过绘画才能表达他所拥有和需要传递的所有感性。



他的技艺,他的激情,美妙的风景,他住的庭院和他的模特的美丽 - 所有这些都是改变他的画作的完美条件,最后他成功地改变了亲密的情况。生活进入他艺术的主题。


Spanish romantic realist painter Vicente Romero Redondo, born in Madrid in 1956, is the eldest of his four sons.

Because of his father's work, he grew up in many different towns all over Spain. The family moved back to Madrid when they were 15.

In his childhood, his parents thought that he would devote his life to painting, because his satirical paintings were very famous among his classmates and teachers in every school he studied. Few people saw that he didn't have pencils and sketchbooks in his hands.

Romero realized his dream: he began to study at San Fernando art high school, Spain's most famous art school, where El Salvador Dali studied from 1922 to 1926. In his first year, he devoted his time to sculpture,

but soon realized that only through painting can he express all the sensations he has and needs to convey. He graduated with honors in 1982. Then he worked on the street for a few years, not the most comfortable but effective way to perfect his technology.

He painted pastel portraits in coastal villages on land and on Tenerife, Mallorca and Ibiza. In the late 1980s, Romero and his wife settled on the coast of Brava. It was in this area (where Dali was born) that a new phase of his artistic career began. The Mediterranean light, his skill, his passion,

the wonderful scenery, the courtyard where he lives and the beauty of his models - all these are the perfect conditions to change his paintings, and finally he succeeded in changing the intimate situation. Life enters the theme of his art.

Since the early 1990s, Romero's paintings have been on display at personal expositions in Spain, France and Portugal.

