关于Literature Reviews和Book Reviews的写作解析

  很多留学生经常受到Literature Reviews和Book Reviews这两种homework作业类型的困扰,这确实对于刚出国留学的同学来说难度有点大。那么今天小编就给大家分享一篇关于文献综述和书评解读的文章,希望能让同学们更了解这种类型的homework!

  Literature Reviews是文章的一部分,作者总结了最近发表的有关这个主题的著作。它们在学位论文中是标准的,但在大多数论文中,有关和最近权威的摘要都包含在导言中。

  Literature reviews

  有时一篇文章的整个焦点可能是一个漫长的文献回顾,但在大多数学生写作,它只会形成一个相对较短的论文部分。只有少数人有一个单独的“The Literature”或“Literature Review”。在任何情况下,都必须证明你对主要来源很熟悉,这样你的写作才能建立在这些基础之上。


  literature review不仅仅是你所研究的资源列表。它可以尽全力去填补你在研究中的gap:

  This article has a different standpoint from other studies,because it believes that the influence of the state on the market has structurally increased since the neo-liberal era.


  也可以使用Literature section来明确其他研究人员持有的不同position,这也是常见的:

  The political competition literature comprises two main strands–voter monitoring and political survival.



  Of late,a number of papers(Besley et al.,2006;Besley and Preston,2007;Persson and Tabellini,2000)have collated the various arguments...





  Model book review

  This useful and important edited volume partly fills a gap in the comparative political science literature.The book compares the society and politics of the European Union(treated here as a single state)with the United States.The book examines'convergences and divergences’between these two global powers,similar in size and economic weight'but asymmetric in terms of political influence and military might’

  The book has eight chapters.The introductory and concluding chapters,which hold the volume together,are written by the editor.The first briefly outlines the adopted comparative approach and methodological challenges faced in producing this study.Montero then goes on to argue that the EU and the US offer two contrasting models of Western modernity.The final chapter argues that the process of constructing the EU has led to convergence,not divergence,between the EU and the US.In between are six sectoral chapters;of particular interest is the third,by Kuhl,which argues that the quality of the democratic experience is in decline on both sides of the Atlantic.

  以上就是小编分享的对于Literature Reviews和Book Reviews这两种作业的分析,希望可以帮到大家!

