在昨晚众多和 小年夜 晚会相关的热搜标题中,有这么一条:#平均74岁的清华学霸合唱团版少年#。
央视网络春晚现场,平均年龄74岁的清华大学上海校友会艺术团,挽起袖子,唱起歌曲《少年》,瞬间点燃了全场。 “我还是从前那个少年,没有一丝丝改变……”
A choir made of Tsinghua alumni, who graduated from the university in the 1950s and 1960s, has gained much attention on Chinese social media after their performance in the 2021 Spring Festival Web Gala on February 4. The performers, mostly in their 70s or 80s, sang the song “Juvenile” in a joyful tone, moving many to tears.
凭着一双巧手,“阿木爷爷”不但成了 抖音 上的“大V”,还把中国文化带到了海外。
他在 YouTube 上的视频播放量已累计过2亿,单条视频最高达到5000多万播放,几乎每条视频都是好评如潮。
A 64-year-old Chinese man’s traditional carpentry skills delighted tens of millions on the internet who saw him create intricate woodware out of nothing more than a single log of wood, without glue, screws, or nails.
The master carpenter Wang Dewen, better known as Grandpa Amu, has 1.37 million followers on YouTube. In his videos, he uses traditional Chinese mortise and tenon skills to make different wood pieces.
在她的软磨硬泡之下,孙子豆豆终于帮奶奶注册了账号。运营了将近一年,“敏慈不老”已经有37.5万粉丝,被认证为“bilibili 知名UP主”。
Jiang Minci, a 90-year-old vlogger who shares videos on Bilibili, one of China’s largest video-sharing websites, has become a viral sensation.
Jiang was introduced to the website last April by her grandchild Dou Dou, also a vlogger, and then asked her to create an account for her. Later in the month, Jiang uploaded her first video on Bilibili gaining over 5.2 million views.
With an impressive fashion style, videos of Grandpa Beihai regularly draw tens of thousands of likes on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. The 76-year-old Yang Beihai usually dressed in a suit and tie has an air of grace with him. He told his audience that “the sense of ritual has nothing to do with age.”