

本文选自经济学人2019年1月17日文章。在过去的数十亿年中,自然界只存在 4 种碱基——腺嘌呤(A)、胸腺嘧啶(T)、胞嘧啶(C)和鸟嘌呤。现在,研究人员打破了这些规则,在 Floyd Romesberg 位于圣地亚哥的实验室,科学家通过扩展基因编码,在培养的细菌中增加了一对“超自然”的碱基对:X 和 Y。更令人惊奇的是,细菌可以利用这对超自然碱基对编码新蛋白!这一突破一举改变了大众对于生命遗传信息的认知,堪称“颠覆遗传密码”的成果。




Extending the genetic code

Adding new DNA letters make novel proteins possible

One such, a cancer drug, is now in development

Jan 17th 2019 | LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA

THE FUZZY specks growing on discs of jelly in Floyd Romesberg’s lab at Scripps Research in La Jolla look much like any other culture of E. coli. But appearances deceive—for the DNA of these bacteria is written in an alphabet that has six chemical letters instead of the usual four.

Every other organism on Earth relies on a quartet of genetic bases: A (adenine), C (cytosine), T (thymine) and G (guanine). These fit together in pairs inside a double-stranded DNA molecule, A matching T and C, G. But in 2014 Dr Romesberg announced that he had synthesised a new, unnatural, base pair, dubbed X and Y, and slipped them into the genome of E. coli as well.

Kept supplied with sufficient quantities of X and Y, the new cells faithfully replicated the enhanced DNA—and, crucially, their descendants continued to do so, too. Since then, Dr Romesberg and his colleagues have been encouraging their new, “semisynthetic” cells to use the expanded alphabet to make proteins that could not previously have existed, and which might have properties that are both novel and useful. Now they think they have found one. In collaboration with a spin-off firm called Synthorx, they hope to create a less toxic and more effective version of a cancer drug called interleukin-2.



Extending the genetic code 扩展遗传密码

Adding new DNA letters make novel proteins possible 新增的DNA碱基让产生新的蛋白质成为可能

  • novel: 除了有“小说”的意思,还可作形容词“新颖的”、“智能的”,这里指“新的”。

One such, a cancer drug, is now in development  其中一种抗癌药物正在研发中

THE FUZZY specks growing on discs of jelly in Floyd Romesberg’s lab at Scripps Research in La Jolla look much like any other culture of E. coli. But appearances deceive—for the DNA of these bacteria is written in an alphabet that has six chemical letters instead of the usual four.

  • fuzzy: 模糊的(indistinct; blurred:),图片模糊,可以说“the picture is fuzzy”,可与“vague”互换;此外,fuzzy还有毛茸茸的意思(of the nature of or resembling fuzz: a soft, fuzzy material.)。

  • speck: 污点、小颗粒,与“blot, particle, stain”等词同意。

  • E. coli: 大肠杆菌

  • deceive: 欺骗(to mislead by a false appearance or statement; delude: They deceived the enemy by disguising the destroyer as a freighter.)


Every other organism on Earth relies on a quartet of genetic bases: A (adenine), C (cytosine), T (thymine) and G (guanine). These fit together in pairs inside a double-stranded DNA molecule, A matching T and C, G. But in 2014 Dr Romesberg announced that he had synthesised a new, unnatural, base pair, dubbed X and Y, and slipped them into the genome of E. coli as well.

  • quartet: 四重奏,这里指四个碱基。

  • adenine: 腺嘌呤;cytosine: 胞嘧啶;thymine: 胸腺嘧啶;guanine: 鸟嘌呤

  • double-stranded: 双链

  • base pair: 碱基对

  • dub: 把...称为(to invest with any name, character, dignity, or title; style; name; call: He was dubbed a hero.);此外,这个词还有“配音;打击”的意思。

  • slip into: 注入

  • genome: 基因组

地球上的其他所有生物都是基于四种碱基:A(腺嘌呤)、C(胞嘧啶)、T(胸腺嘧啶)和G(鸟嘌呤)。它们成对地组合在一个双链DNA分子中,A和T配对, C和G配对。但是2014年,Romesberg博士宣布他已经合成了一个新的,超自然的碱基对,称为X和Y,并将它们植入大肠杆菌的基因组中。

Kept supplied with sufficient quantities of X and Y, the new cells faithfully replicated the enhanced DNA—and, crucially, their descendants continued to do so, too. Since then, Dr Romesberg and his colleagues have been encouraging their new, “semisynthetic” cells to use the expanded alphabet to make proteins that could not previously have existed, and which might have properties that are both novel and useful. Now they think they have found one. In collaboration with a spin-off firm called Synthorx, they hope to create a less toxic and more effective version of a cancer drug called interleukin-2.

  • in collaboraton with: 与...合作

  • spin-off firm: 分拆公司,脱离母公司的公司


