【SSS】Super Simple Songs:4~6

Super Simple Songs歌谣,就好比是说学校里的视听资料,对于不少的低龄孩子来说,会是好听而有趣的,是时,成人只是为其下载视频,就好的了,孩子会认真去听,用心去跟唱的。但这一简单的方法,不一定会是对世间的每一个孩子,都起效的。



这具体来说便是,我们可以在一个礼拜里头,就为孩子物色三集歌谣。并选择其中的一首歌谣来去陪着孩子“玩中学”。如《Walking In The Jungle》就可拿来当作是某一周里头“玩中学”的资源,而其他的两集歌谣只是孩子那一周英语启蒙学习里的补充资料。

目前来说,不像“鹅妈妈童谣”是有点读书的,那中国不曾有普及这Super Simple Songs的歌谣绘本或图书。当当等地一般是在销售CD等光碟资料。那我们是可以将这歌谣给用笔抄下来,或用打印机将其给打印出来的。


4、Walking In The Jungle

Let's take a walk in the jungle.

Walking in the jungle.

Walking in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

Walking in the jungle.

Walking in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps forward.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps back.

Stop. Listen. What's that?

It's a frog!

We're not afraid!

Let's stomp.

Stomping in the jungle.

Stomping in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

Stomping in the jungle.

Stomping in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps forward.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps back.

Stop. Listen. What's that?

It's a monkey!

We're not afraid!

Let's jump.

Jumping in the jungle.

Jumping in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

Jumping in the jungle.

Jumping in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps forward.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps back.

Stop. Listen. What's that?

It's a toucan!

We're not afraid!

Let's skip.

Skipping in the jungle.

Skipping in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

Skipping in the jungle.

Skipping in the jungle.

We're not afraid.

We're not afraid.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps forward.

One step. Two steps.

Three steps back.

Stop. Listen. What's that?

It's a tiger!


5、Five Little Ducks

Five little ducks went out one day.

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said,

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only four little ducks came back.

1, 2, 3, 4.

Four little ducks went out one day.

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said,

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only three little ducks came back.

1, 2, 3.

Three little ducks went out one day.

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said,

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only two little ducks came back.

1, 2.

 Two little ducks went out one day.

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said,

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But only one little duck came back.


One little duck went out one day.

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said,

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

But none of the five little ducks

came back.

Sad mother duck went out one day.

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said,

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

And all of five little ducks came back.

Five little ducks went out to play.

Over the hill and far away.

Mother duck said,

"Quack, quack, quack, quack."

And all of the five little ducks

came back!

6、Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle twinkle little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high.

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle twinkle little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Twinkle twinkle little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high.

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle twinkle little star.

How I wonder what you are.











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