Bilingual Mathematics Teaching(9)Integral Expressions

Words and Expressions
127 | 代数式 | algebraic expression |
128 | 单项式 | monomial |
129 | 系数 | coefficient |
130 | 次数 | degree |
131 | 多项式 | polynomial |
132 | 二项式 | binomial |
133 | 三项式 | trinomial |
134 | 二次三项式 | second degree trinomial |
135 | 项 | term |
136 | 常数项 | constant term |
137 | 整式 | integral expression |
138 | 升幂 | in ascending order of the power |
139 | 降幂 | in descending order of the power |
1、The coefficient of -2a² is -2, while the degree of -2a² is 2.
2、The highest degree of 2x²-x-1 is two. This polynomial can also be called a second degree trinomial.
3、An expression with numbers or letters standing for numbers, which are connected by operation signs and brackets is called an algebraic expression.
用运算符号和 括号把数或表示数的字母连接而成的式子叫做代数式。
4、Replace the letter in an algebraic expression with values and then calculate. The final result of the operation is called the value of the algebraic expression.
5、The degree of a monomial is the sum of the variables exponents.
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