Samuel Adams
When: April 30, 1776
What: In a letter to Reverend Samuel Cooper, Samuel Adams wrote of his hopes for another battle between British and American troops, stating his belief that, "One battle would do more towards a Declaration of Independence than a long chain of conclusive arguments in a provincial convention or the Continental Congress."
Why significant: Fifteen days after Adams wished for bloodshed, the colonies effectively overthrew the British on the strength of the pen, not the sword. Emboldened by the impassioned words of Thomas Paine in his pamphlet, Common Sense, the people of Pennsylvania and New Jersey followed the congressional injunction of May 15 to take “every kind of authority” from the British crown, and overthrew their royal governments. New York, Delaware and Maryland soon followed suit. By June, Thomas Jefferson began to draft the Declaration of Independence, with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin at his side.
Tags: American Revolution, patriots