
A European princess represented herself in the London divorce courts yesterday to fight her estranged husband over money.


Princess Tessy of Luxembourg has had no help from lawyers during her battle with Prince Louis of Luxembourg at a hearing in the family division of the High Court.


James Ewins, QC, asked questions on the prince’s behalf and outlined arguments to a judge.

王室法律顾问詹姆斯·埃文斯(James Ewins)代表王子提出了问题,并向法官概述了自己的观点。

In 80 per cent of cases in the family courts at least one side is not represented, usually because they cannot afford lawyers and there is no legal aid.


The princess, who was born in Luxembourg, addressed Mr Justice MacDonald in English as a litigant in person and summarised her case in a closing speech lasting the best part of a hour.


Outside court she would not say why she had appeared as a litigant in person.


She said that she had spoken Luxembourgish as a child and also spoke French and German.


Mr Justice MacDonald oversaw a trial, which lasted several days, at a private hearing and has placed limits on what can be reported.


He is expected to make decisions on how money and assets should be split in the near future.


He said that Prince Louis and Princess Tessy, both 32, could be named in media coverage but made a ruling preventing the reporting of financial and personal details.


Prince Louis is the third son of Grand Duke Henri, 63, and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, 62.


The princess, who was born Tessy Antony, is not of “royal descent” but a former soldier from a family who lived in the small town of Niederkorn.


Mr Justice MacDonald was told that the couple began a relationship in 2004.


According to reports, the wider royal family was unaware of Ms Antony until she became pregnant with their first son, Gabriel, who was born when they were 19 and unmarried.


The child would not have had succession rights and conscious of the embarrassment they had created by having a child out of wedlock, Prince Louis subsequently renounced any claim to the title of grand duke.


The couple married in September 2006 in a modest church wedding in the town of Gilsdorf.


Ms Antony took the name De Nassau, the surname of the grand ducal family, and the couple went on to live in the United States and in London.

安东尼取了德纳索(De Nassau)这个姓氏,这是大公爵家族的姓氏,随后这对夫妇继续在美国和伦敦生活。

They had a second son, Noah, in 2007, but lost a third child.


In 2009 the title of princess was granted to her by royal decree, and the title of prince to the couple’s sons.


She is likely to keep the title because a change in Luxembourgian law that a spouse would lose it in the event of separation was not introduced until 2012.


During the summer of 2016 the marriage broke down and the following January Princess Tessy filed for divorce in London, where she lives, citing her husband’s “unreasonable behaviour” as ground for their separation.


Court documents made public revealed that a judge had found she was “entitled to a decree of divorce, the marriage having irretrievably broken down, the facts found proved being the respondent’s unreasonable behaviour”.


The pair were granted a “quickie divorce” a month later at the Central Family Court in London.


After the collapse of the marriage the princess said that she was devastated.


She added: “My divorce was definitely one of the most difficult situations I have ever faced.”


“ I experienced the same feelings and emotions when I miscarried my third child. I cried for years over these two situations.”


Grand Duke Henri has reigned since his father’s abdication in 2000.


As the head of a constitutional monarchy, his duties are primarily representative.







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