好彩头,好兆头,这意味着接下来我教过的学生们都会好运当头。这样的喜气,当然要猛吸几下!!同时,3月20日凌晨,调剂采集意向服务系统即将开通,3月22日调剂系统也将正式开通。需要提醒大家的是:“预调剂系统”并非正式调剂系统,其功能主要是帮助考生能提前查询缺额和填报意愿,也就是说都有哪些学校发布了调剂信息。总之,大家要重视,但也别放松准备复试的节奏;既要关注,也要继续向前走。关于考研复试中,如果做自我介绍,昨天专门赶了一篇推文:考研复试,英文自我介绍留言中,也有同学希望再提供一些常见问题的回答。我想了想,就随便瞎写几个自问自答的东西,供大家参考吧!Question 1: What do you usually do in your spare time?Sample Answer: Thanks for your question! To be honest, as a unversity student , I have so many things to do in my spare time, like playing basketball, reading in library and listening to music. Playing basketball with friends helps me build my body. Reading enriches my mind and enlarges my horizons. Music helps me relax and get refreshed when I am a little tired. These are my favorite activities and they bring me great pleasure. That's all! Thanks again.Question 2: Would you please describe your home town?Sample Answer: Thank you for your question. I have three stentences to describe my hometown, Handan City. First of all, Handan is characterized by its long history and if you have opportunity to visit my hometown, you will see thousands of ancient buildings. Second, people there are warmhearted, kind and generous. Third, there are a vareity of local snacks(小吃) ,which are delicious but not expensive. That's all! Thanks again.Question 3: How do you plan your postgraduate study in the future?Sample Answer: Thank you for your question. First of all, I would like to say that if I am lucky enough to continue my postgraduate study here, I certainly would do my utmost to work. I deem that gods favor those who are prepared. Meanwhile, no matter what difficulties I encounter in the future, I will never give up. I am convinced that my perseverance can bring me power, arouse my passion for striving and help me win at last. Of course, when I make my plan for my future study, I need my tutor's professional advice and guidance because I know I am still a green hand in carrying out academic researches.感谢广大读者对拙作《永远不要停下前进的脚步》的喜爱、分享和推荐。