
carp about

carp /kɑːrp/

Carp这个词跟complain有点类似,它们之间区别是,complain通常是可以理解的,而carp的程度,则会惹恼别人,可能会让人不舒服。一个 carp about something 的人并没有解决困扰他的问题。相反,他一直在抱怨。他们可能无休止地批评某人或某事。对某事吹毛求疵不是抱怨批评的有效形式。carp最早来自carpen这个词,意思是以一种抱怨的方式具体地说。

to complain all the time about matters that are not important


If one of your friends carps about what he had for lunch. He may say that nothing tastes good and that he could make a much better dish, but because he is not doing anything to create a better lunch, he is carping about it.

如果一个你的朋友carp about他午餐吃的东西。他可能会说没有什么好吃的,说他能做出更好的菜,但因为他实际上没有做任何事情,那么他就是在挑剔。

