



图一:Pilot ladder incorrectly secured to the deck using D-shackles to choke the side ropes.

Persistent reports received from pilots and pilot associations indicate that vessels are improperly securing their pilot ladders to the ship.

A large number of reports relate to the use of pilot ladders which are too long relative to the vessel’s draughts. As a result the excessively long ladders require shortening up before being deployed for boarding pilots. In these cases, pilot ladders are shortened up by ship’s staff using D-shackles to choke the side ropes at the required height along the ladder’s length.

In this method, the D-shackle is first secured to a hard point on the deck, such as a pad eye, and the ladder rope threaded through the shackle. By shortening ladders using the D-shackle method causes the weight of the ladder to be taken up by the D-shackle impacting directly against the mechanical securing clamps (widgets) which secure the ladders treads in place.

图二:This ladder is too long for the freeboard.

图三:Pilot ladders are required to be provided at the rope ends with strong thimbles for securing the ladder.

Risk to safety

Ladders constructed in compliance with the standards established by SOLAS V/23 and Res.A.1045 (27) will secure their treads in position using mechanical clamping devices (referred to as widgets), seized in place immediately above and below each tread.

Using D-shackles to choke pilot ladder side ropes can eventually damage these widgets and also destroys their seizing. When the seizing is destroyed, or the widget is damaged, this can lead to adjacent tread becoming loose

By taking the weight of the ladder onto the widgets causes the widget seizing to become damaged. This leads to the steps no longer being held firmly in the horizontal position. This in turn means that the steps can become free to rotate underfoot as the pilots climb the ladder.

What you should do

1. Masters and senior officer should physically check the current method of securing their vessel’s pilot ladders to ensure that crews are not making this rigging mistake.

2. Refer to the ship’s construction drawings to ensure that the actual securing method is the same as the method given in the ship’s drawings, or approved safety management system.

3. To avoid vessels being delayed in port, where existing pilot ladders are too long for the expected range of freeboards, Masters must find an appropriate safe method for securing the ladder at the rope-end thimbles. If the existing arrangement cannot be shortened correctly, then masters should consider contacting their local port agent to obtain a shorter ladder for use a required.

4. In summary, you cannot rig your ladder safely if it is too long for your vessel’s freeboard.





2). 不能使用卸扣直接卡在引水梯两侧绳上安放引水,那要怎么固定才符合标准?










1)Rigging for Freeboards of 9 metres or less.


  • Lifebuoy with self-igniting light;

  • Bulwark and Pilot ladder secured to deck strong points (welded in, tested, deck eyes);

  • Rigidly secured to deck handhold stanchions;

  • Rope work in good condition (not frayed or contaminated with oil and greases);

  • Supervisor/Responsible Officer in communication with the bridge;

  • If requested; heaving line to embark/disembark pilot’s bag and equipment;

  • Good lighting on the pilot embarkation area.

2).Combination Arrangements for ships with a freeboard of more than 9 metres (when no side door available)


  • The ladder should continue 2m above the lower platform of the gangway.

  • Ladder must be firmly attached to ship’s side 1.5m above the accommodation platform

  • The bottom platform of the accommodation ladder should be horizontal.

  • The accommodation ladder should be secured to the ships side.

  • The lower platform shall be a minimum of 5 metres above the sea.

  • The Pilot ladder requires a climb of not less than 1.5m and no more than 9 metres

3) Safe Rigging of Retrieval Lines (sometimes called tripping lines) 回收绳

IMO Resolution A.1045(27) 2.1.5

When a retrieval line is considered necessary to ensure the safe rigging of a pilot ladder, the line should be fastened at or above the last spreader step and should lead forward. The retrieval line should not hinder the pilot or obstruct the safe approach of the pilot boat.

4) Use of Pilot Ladder Winch Reel

Upper deck arrangement:

Side Door or Between Deck arrangement:

Use of Ship’s side doors



1.Pilot landing area and passage way should be painted with anti-skid paint and free of trip hazards.

2.Ropes (especially in way of terminations), steps and spreaders should be all in good condition. Pilot ladder should be ranged for this purpose. Ladder should be frequently inspected for any sign of damage and rectified as soon as possible before the next use.

3.Risk Assessment and job scope for rigging and boarding should be prepared. Toolbox meeting to be held and crew involved to be briefed properly and advised of proper PPE. All involved should wear working vests/ safety harnesses and other PPE as required.

4.Communication should be clear between all the parties involved.

5.When rigging the pilot ladder, it should be made sure that it is tied to strong points on deck and steps are horizontal & resting on the parallel length of the shipside. Length of the pilot ladder to be adjusted so it does not get entangled between the boat and the vessel. Use the markings provided on the ladder to adjust ladder height above sea level by having only required length hanging over the side. A responsible officer must confirm that the ladder has been safely rigged.

6.Combination ladder to be rigged if distance from sea surface to point of access or egress is more than 9 m or more or as requested by the pilot. Ladder to be secured against the shipside during the rigging of combination. Stanchions should be properly secured.

7.Manropes (if used) should be checked for condition and secured properly.

8.Extra lifejacket and harness to be kept ready at the location & passed onto personnel in case required. Fall arrestor blocks to be used. .

9.Shipside and deck area to be properly illuminated in case of dark hours.

10.Lifebuoy with light should be standby at the location. Extra heaving line to be kept standby to heave up bags (if any).

11.Proper lee to be provided to pilot boat.

12.Whenever combination ladder arrangements are used, an officer must be standby on the accommodation ladder to receive the pilot.


Securing of the pilot ladder using shackles, where the load is onto a single step, is not an acceptable practice.




1)Secure the pilot ladder directly on side ropes with rolling hitch knots

2)All the weight should be rested on the side ropes equally.

3)The weight of the ladder should be transferred to the ship structure through the ladder side ropes. The pilot ladder should be secured to a CERTIFIED STRONG POINT and any shackles or securing ropes should have a breaking strength of at least 24KN.



  1. SOLAS regulation V/23

  2. IMO Resolution A.1045(27)

  3. Pilot-ladder-guidance-v1-june-2019

  4. Code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers (COSWP) 2018

  5. Pilot Ladder Manual (Advanced Edition) published by Witherby Publishing Group (ISBN 978-1-85609-757-4)

