展+ l Vol. 16 AA和UCL学生都去刷的展,建筑新秀格林威治大学建筑系夏季展览
作者 / 叁碗 编辑/柒杯【如需转载请先联系我们】
编者按:说起伦敦的建筑高校大家一定知道AB二校(AA建筑联盟学院+UCL的Bartlett建筑学院),但是其实在众多欧美院校中London Metropolitan大学和Westminster的务实派建筑和Greenwich近年来新兴的“小Bartlett”风格也帮助他们在RIBA的铜奖银奖中常常摘得奖项。
/ University of Greenwich : Architecture Exhibition /
说到格林威治大学(University of Greenwich)大家可能不是非常熟悉,更不用说它的建筑系了。如果关注RIBA每年的铜奖银奖的同学都可以发现University of Greenwich的名字。小编仔细看了一下在近几年中,18年格林威治大学的同学们获得了两个RIBA奖项,17年一个,16年两个奖项。如此低调的格林威治大学这两年的展览也迎来了越来越多的观众,AA和UCL的同学们纷纷发朋友圈记录。
硕 士 展 区
MArch Course
Unit 12运气很好除了小盒子之外还有外面一块展示区
Unit 12的小盒子内部
From Hellenistic passageways to Neo-clad strip malls, from turn-of-the-century Penny Arcades to 1970’s - 90’s gaming dens, The Arcade has a long and complex history. In his unfinished proto-postmodern Arcades Project of 1927-40, Walter Benjamin pronounced that the arcades of Haussmann’s Paris were the most significant architectural form of the C19th, being synchronous interior-exterior incubators for the dynamics of urban life. We began the year by materialising and modelling a selection of thought experiments (types of thought models) that questioned notions of simulation and reality.
从希腊化的通道到穿堂而过的条形购物中心,从世纪之交的Penny Arcades到1970年代 - 90年代的街机厅,The Arcade的历史悠久而复杂。 在1927年至1940年未完成的原始后现代Arcades项目中,Walter Benjamin宣称Haussmann巴黎的拱廊是20世纪最重要的建筑形式,是城市生活动态的同步内部 - 外部孵化器。我们从今年开始,通过物化和建模一系列思想实验(思维模型的类型)来质疑模拟和现实的概念。
Unit 16 continued its restless exploration into the myths of the near future, reflecting again on the complex physical and immaterial boundaries of Wealth and Power at the centre of state in the age of the Anthropocene. We have focused our studies on the heart of Empire, Trafalgar Square, the epicentre of wealth and power, surrounded by the institutions of state : a bridge to capital. A static scene, curiously out of step in both time and space.
Unit 16继续对不久的将来的神话进行持续探索,再次反映了人类时代国家中心财富和权力的复杂物理和无形边界。我们的研究主要集中在大英帝国的核心 - 特拉法加广场,这是财富和权力的中心,被国家机构所包围:通往资本的桥梁。 一个静态的场景,奇怪地跳出了在时间和空间上种种限制而存在。
This year Unit 18 explored the future of consumerism and its ' impact on the built environment. As consumers we are becoming ever more reliant on unreliable products, and dependent on superfluous gadgets with an ever decreasing shelf-life. Buying the latest smartphone is the elixir of our 21st century virtual selves. As Gertrude Stein put it almost a century ago : 'Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.’ But it doesn’t always come easy.
今年Unit 18探讨了消费主义的未来及其对建筑环境的影响。 作为消费者,我们越来越依赖不可靠的产品和生命周期越来越短的多余小玩件。 购买最新的智能手机是21世纪虚拟自我的灵丹妙药。 正如格特鲁德·斯坦(Gertrude Stein)几乎在一个世纪前所说的那样:“说钱都买不到幸福的人根本就不知道去哪里购物。”但这并不容易。
建筑在这里也不是逃不开:赌场和购物中心旨在让人们忘记时间,移除时钟和窗户,以顾客发现外界变化:简单地遮挡窗户并在货架上装满产品;虽然事实证明我们更有可能从更空的货架上购买物品 - 这被称为'社会打样' - 因为我们可以放心,其他人已经在我们面前购买了这些产品。
As we are increasingly navigated by algorithmic certainties and unknowable volumes of information, what changes our relation to the object, its housing, and distribution ? What are the consequences for architecture? Unit 20 has been collecting and creating, recording and observing alternative archives to elucidate and reflect on what it is to be human, animal, vegetal, or posthuman.
U20 speculated on this near/present future through the historic context of Florence, Italy; from the autocracy and conspiracies of the Medici to the residue of the Italian avant garde who sought to incite new histories. Dark Age was filtered through 4 lines of enquiry.
A two headed river rises on the twinned heights of Hampstead and Highgate to flow sinuously over and under London for seven miles, crossing fields, running under streets, through buildings and all the while accumulating water from hidden tributaries and rainfall shearing off the impervious city to become a torrent, encased within a vast network of exquisitely engineered brick tunnels to finally cascade into the Thames at Blackfriars.
Unit 1 is fascinated by the poetic quality of architecture expressed through materials and structure; how the controlled design of construction impacts on emotional experience. The major design investigation was sited amid the density of kings cross and euston. The proposals address the reuse and recycling of existing typologies that are due to become redundant. All the new buildings combine places to live with shared civic functions.
Unit 1的目标是“建筑的诗意表达” - 着重在材料和结构表达方面,希望通过控制结构/制作来影响个人情感和空间体验。主要的设计场地是在伦敦的King’s Cross和Euston,通过对于建筑密度的调研和思考,以及从类型学衍生出来的研究和总结,提出新的建筑形式(要求结合公共建设)。
今年Unit 3通过建筑设计和构建来探索时间的概念,继续致力于工艺技术,真实与虚拟,数字与模拟的交叉。 受诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)最近出版的“迅缓思考”(Thinking Fast and Slow)一书的启发,我们首先考察了设计过程本身的速度。 我们研究了时间在我们的创作过程和建筑环境中扮演的角色的例子,然后将它们应用到我们自己独特的设计方案中,这些方案体现了我们在设计,功能和创造方面的个人时间理论和定义。
Albion is the ancient name for Great Britain. Legend goes that its first inhabitants were Giants, as recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth, which was regarded as fact up until the 17th century. The Ark is a vessel that contains representatives that contains representatives that are to be saved from disaster. This year Unit 4 investigated myths/traditions and rituals/rites and translated them into Architecture. The year started with students designing a ritual for the 21st century. The Unit focused on the now through interpreting the past and the near future.
Albion是英国的古老名字。 据传说Albion的第一批居民是巨人,正如蒙茅斯的杰弗里所描述的那样,直到17世纪才被视为事实。 方舟是一艘包含代表的代表,代表将从灾难中拯救出来。 今年Unit 4调查了神话/传统和仪式/仪式,并将其翻译成建筑。 学生们为21世纪设计仪式,通过对于过去和近未来的诠释而着眼当下。
This year our site was around Somers Town - a place at a turning point. With huge infrastructure projects and luxury housing planned over the next few years, we explored how this important part of the city can retain and celebrate its identity, or create a new one.
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