【GEO solar term exhibitions】Moments in gǔyǔ from 14 placesThanks to everyone who cherishes the spring.与之前节气系列推送相似,题图用ppt添加了位置示意,地图截取自:Similar toprevious posts of solar terms, I use ppt to add locations, the map source:https://map.tianditu.gov.cnFollowing the tradition of presenting according to the latitude:London 伦敦 51.5074° N, 0.1278° WTaunton 汤顿 51.00153° N, 3.1068° W北京 Beijing 39.9042° N, 116.4074° E山西 晋中 Jinzhong 36..6874° N, 112.7527° E山东 济宁 Jining 35.4150° N, 116.5873° E江苏 盐城 Yancheng 33.3473° N, 120.1637° E江苏 宜兴 Yixing 31.3406° N, 119.8233° E上海 Shanghai 31.2304° N, 121.4737° E四川 达州 Dazhou 31.2096° N, 107.4680° E浙江 衢州 Quzhou 28.9701° N, 118.8595° E浙江 温州 Wenzhou 27.9938° N, 120.6994° E广西 柳州 Liuzhou24.3263° N, 109.4286° E广东 深圳 Shenzhen 22.5431° N, 114.0579° E海南 海口 Haikou 20.0444° N, 110.1983° ELondon 伦敦 51.5074° N, 0.1278° W今天在家完成了一幅水彩。完全是灵光一现,在想像中把自己种的盆栽们都摆成一排,营造一种构图上的直线美。之所以叫Vision,是因为这些花不全都会同时开放。因为疫情的原因,在家关久了,容易忘记时间,忘却日子的流逝。比如我这样,既迫不及待想要花开,又怀念已绽放过的灿烂,于是在笔下让它们集合在一起。跟陶理聊天才知道这天的节气是谷雨。“谷雨”,是不是说这是春天对农事很重要的一段雨季——稻谷生长所需要的雨水?记得读中学的时候,喜欢在记事本上标注节气,是一种除开大考小考阶段性考以外记录时间的方式……后来人生不考试了,于是我也不标注节气了。我们生活中的时间容易被事件主导:几个月有一次截稿,过多久开一场研讨会,一个项目的开始和结束,业绩表现的总结,奖金的发放,亲人的生日,节日的庆祝…… 时间仿佛是围绕一些事件,有种时快时慢、时而阶段性跳跃的感觉(此处可以cue爱因斯坦爷爷详细讲解相对论,不做赘述……)。现在很多人都被疫情困在家中,相信很多以往似乎主导了时间的“生活事件”都不再以曾经的模式发生和运作。不知道大家对时间产生了什么不同的感觉?它变慢了还是变快了,跟以前不同了吗?我们现在如何感受时间,而这是否改变时间的走动?I finished a watercolor at home today. It’s an imagination of putting some of my garden pots in a line, to create a pleasant linear composition. The reason it’s called “vision” is because not all of the depicted flowers would blossom at the same time. Now we are all more of less confined to one place due to the virus outbreak, it is easy to lose the normal track of time, or the sense of time. In my case, I can’t wait for some flowers to come out but at the same time I miss the ones already wilted. So I put them together in my work.I only realized it is Grain Rain today while chatting with Hermione. Does “Grain Rain” (one of the 24 solar terms that marks the traditional Chinese lunar calendar) mean “rain for the grains” in agricultural sense? I remember I used to mark out these solar terms in my diary in middle school. I guess they had acted as alternative time markers apart from exams, monthly exams, phase exams, term exams, more exams.. Then, there was no exam in life any more and I subsequently stopped marking these solar terms in my dairy. Sometimes it feels that our time is dictated by events in life: deadlines, seminars, project inceptions and project completions, performance review, bonus appraisal, birthdays celebrations, festival gatherings… Time seems to run around events, sometimes slowly, sometimes fast, sometimes staged (Not about but related here: Einstein. A, 1905, abcd. :)) But now, since many of us are grounded to one place (namely, home/residence..), a lot of the events that used to dictate time are no longer happening the way they were before. How is everyone feeling about time now? Is it running faster or slower? Is it different? How do we sense time now, and does this change how time goes by?真是特别巧合,我最近一次去看泰特美术馆的展览有一幅很喜欢的画,边上的导览词就说只有艺术家可以让不同时节开放的花同时在一张图上盛开。还有一次,走出国家肖像美术馆大卫·霍克尼展的时候,我现在都很记得一个周边上写的是:当你为美而作弊的时候,你知道你是一个艺术家了。看到J.D.的这幅画时,这两个瞬间和这幅画交叠在一起,也让我开始思考什么是真实,什么是虚假?日常生活的世界和艺术家创作出来的世界都可以同时存在,自从艺术家把不同时节盛开的花画在一张图上的时候,时空原本的自然间隔也消弭了,我们的想象力也有了具体的呈现。或许这就是艺术家的时间领域,而到现在,我们会欣赏大自然的景象,也会去懂得欣赏艺术家为了美而作的作品。I once saw the instructions in a Tate exhibition when the artist put all the flowers together in one painting, regardless of the time they bloom. There is another time I remembered a bag quoting David Hockney: "The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty, you know you're an artist." in National Portrait Gallery.That's how I understand this watercolor artpiece by J.D., what is real? what is fake? The world we live daily and the worlds created by the artists can co-exist, the time since an artist put flowers blooming in different seasons together, the gap between time and space disappeared, our imagination get physical presentation. Maybe that's how the artists see 'time', and now, we can not only appreciate the nature, but also appreciate the artpiece for sake of beauty.
I happened to see such a spelendid sun set while just planning to feed birds in Hyde Park. Though there is a Chinese saying that 'The best sign is the sun,but it's near the twilight', this sun shine like burning is a perfect ending for the day. I high recommend Sibelius' Symphony No.5 III: Allegro, which fits perfectly well with the pictures.
The music is really a fit, here is a link——
名曲欣赏412:西贝柳斯降E大调第五交响曲·伯恩斯坦, 伦敦交响乐团, 1966
https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDEyNDIzMTI2MA==.html我在日落之前上天台,完成了今日份的运动,脑中突然冒出这个念头:时间似乎在匀速前进,但我感知的时间流逝速度却在变化着。可惜物理学得不好,没法儿表述得更精准了。This Sunday is a bright and clear day.I went to my roof for daily exercise, suddenly this idea jump to my mind: time seems to go in the same speed, but how I sense its pace seems to be different. Sadly that I am not good at physics, so this is the best I can do.Taunton 汤顿 51.00153° N, 3.1068° WI just went for a walk and saw this pretty treeAll the blossom on the ground looks so nice mixed with the daisies看到这两幅照片的时候,我感觉自己好像回到了青少年时期喜欢的少女漫里,微风吹拂,花瓣飘落,以及一段美好的邂逅。The two photos take me back to my teenagehood when I was into the comic book for girls who will expect the gentle breeze, dancing flower and a romantic encounter.北京 Beijing 39.9042° N, 116.4074° EFinally. It started to rain at twilight of the day of Guyu. What a coincidence.我和球都觉得这张图特别适合配“同一个世界:团结在家”演唱会上 Billie Eilish & Finneas表演的 "Sunny",附上链接——“Sunny" performed by Billie Eilish & Finneas at One World: Together At Home is the perfect fit for this photo, here is the link——https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJuHn8JzhP0&t=12s山西 晋中 Jinzhong 36.6874° N, 112.7527° E看草莓🍓小小的红红的已经长好,感觉空气里都是甜甜的草莓味。Look at the strawberries 🍓 tiny little red ones are ready, feeling like the sweet smell of strawberries are in the air.妈妈也和我说国内最近草莓很好吃。虽然今年英国夏天没有温网的奶油草莓可以吃,但最近新一季的草莓也已经上市了,口感还有点微酸,但也很治愈的。期待看到这里的你生活里也有你喜欢的甜!My mother has been telling me how tasty strawberries are recently. However, there is no cream-strawberry this summer (a typical snack for Wimbledon), but the new strawberries are already on sale, a bit sour but still heal me. Hope you also have some sweet you like!山东 济宁 Jining 35.4150° N, 116.5873° E“雨生百谷”,冬小麦生长进入冲刺阶段,期待收获的季节。我们的高三也开学啦,加油!"Rain nourishes hundreds of grain”, the winter wheat starts to race, expecting the harvest. Our year 12 students are preparing for the Gaokao, fighting!
The wheat grow so does human, the difference is that human being can choose to be the one they want to be. Looking forward to a wider world for teenagers to experience and challenge themsleves at one's own pace.江苏 盐城 Yancheng 33.3473° N, 120.1637° E雨生百谷,香菜花开,最美不过四月天,也祝妈妈明天(4.20)生日快乐永远爱她。Rain nourishes hundreds of grain, the coriander flower blooming, the most beautiful days are in April, and happy birthday to my mother (20th April) with my eternal love.先蹭一个生日祝福,祝有一个永远爱她而且愿意表达出来的女儿的这位阿姨健康平安!其次,我真是没想到我闻到味道就受不了的香菜竟然有这么清丽的花!长知识了,虽然我还是不喜欢吃香菜。即便如此,香菜还是有存在意义的,而且还挺美的,不会因为我的不喜欢就失去价值。Firstly, I want to send my birthday wishes to this aunt who has a daughter forever loves her and willing to say it out loud: have a healthy and safe life!Secondly, I really did not know the coriander which I cannot bear with its smell has such a beautiful flower! I am learning some new knowledge, but I still do not like eating the coriander. Nevertheless, coriander has its meaning to exist, and exist as a beauty too, its value will not be diminished as I do not like it.江苏 宜兴 Yixing 31.3406° N, 119.8233° EIn a mulberry garden (Fangqiao town),a reality version of helping the farmers.这份爱心收到啦~黑紫色的成熟的桑葚超级美味。我到现在还记得小时候爬树去摘桑葚,手里嘴里以及蹭到的衣服都是黑的,怎么也洗不掉。I recevied the heart~ the purple nearly black mulberry is ripe enough to eat. I can still remember my childhood happiness when I climbed to pick the mulberry, getting my hands and mouth black, as well as my clothes, very difficult to wash away.上海 Shanghai 31.2304° N, 121.4737° E谷雨这天,虽没有如天气预报所说下雨,但是刮着很大的风,不是暖暖的春风,是让人忍不住把外套拉链拉满,然后耸耸肩的那种温度。好在看见单元楼楼下有邻居种的一盆花盛开,看着温暖~Gu Yu, it did not rain as the weather forecast said. It's rather windy. It is not the warm spring breeze, instead the temperature is cold that people have to zip up the jacket and shrug. Fortunately, I saw pretty flowers planted by a neighbor downstairs, gaining much warmth ~种花的主人知道花会让人觉得温暖,应该也会觉得温暖吧。If the owners who plant this flower will make others feel warmer may also feel the warmth.搬运了我妈闲不下来找事忙(逃避我让她看的书)案例。妈妈说这粽叶太新鲜太好了,忍不住要买来做,做了粽子肯定满口清香,于是在家里的人就有口福了。虽然我会觉得妈妈这样太折腾了,更何况我也吃不上,但还是会为她这想做就做、用好时令食材的动手能力点赞。This is a case of how my mother keeps herself busy (finding a new excuse to read a book I asked her to read). My mother said the leaves are so fresh therefore the zongzi would have very pleasant smell. So family members at home get the fortune to enjoy the zongzi. Although time consuming, and I cannot have any, I still appreciate that she will do what she wants to do and make good use of the seasonal food ingredients.四川 达州 Dazhou 31.2096° N, 107.4680° E在快结束的春天,拍到了充满生命力的竹林,也吃到了小公主摘的樱桃Near the end of Spring, I captured the vibrant bamboo and ate the cherries picked by little princess.和家人一起享受这即将逝去的好春光,记录下来,也是为了将来寒冬腊月时也都可以记起。Enjoy the spring time with family, if get recorded, can be a good memory to recall in the long and dark winter.浙江 衢州 Quzhou 28.9701° N, 118.8595° E华为nova 3i 无滤镜(手机自带相机)美颜相机拼接Photo by my Huawei nova 3i phoneused an app to put two photos together周五听了英国地理协会2020年的网络会议,正如其中小学教师paula所言,我们需要关注生活中的变化,例如家附近拐枣树,一眨眼已从光秃秃的树干变得枝繁叶茂。After listening to the Geographical Association e conference 2020 last Friday, I can't agree more with what Paula (a primary teacher) said: we need to pay attention to the changes in our life, like the honey raisin tree, have become leafy from bald.有点期待你能亲眼看到这棵树的四季,但一定程度上又希望后面是你家人拍给你看,因为那意味着你可以出行去其他地方历练啦。To some extent I want to see the four seasons of this tree from you, and to some other extent I hope you can get your family to take this for you, as that would mean, you can explore other places.浙江 温州 Wenzhou 27.9938° N, 120.6994° EiPhone and I removed the backgroundiPhone and I used a fliter今天早餐吃自制三明治,晚餐吃番茄肥牛荞麦面。开心的一天!I had homemade sandwiches for breakfast and soba with tomato and beef for dinner. What a happy day!滤镜和背景还是很重要的,如果合理运用的话,的确能够让构图更美、更有食欲。The fliter and background still plays a role, if used in a proper way, they do help the photos to be much nicer and appetizing.广西 柳州 Liuzhou24.3263° N, 109.4286° E两种不同的树种,生存在同一条道路的两旁,一边的树木随着季节的更替有着明显的变化,而另一边的树木却变化甚微。我想这就是不同的事物在同一区域内表现出来的差异吧。因为有了这种差异,所以世界变得如此丰富多彩。Two different tree species live on both sides of the same street. The trees on one side have obviously changed with the seasons, while the trees on the other side have changed little. I think this is the difference that different things show in the same area. Because of this difference, the world has become so colorful.细心观察生活的话,或许会发现原来习以为常的事情你也并不都知道答案。If you take a closer look at your life, it is likely that you do not know all the answers to things you take as normal.广东 深圳 Shenzhen 22.5431° N, 114.0579° E参加这个活动的目的,是想借助这个活动,让自己去感知节气时的周边环境,感知同一环境下不同节气的变化。不太会拍照,我是上传文字故事和配图从昨天开始,猛地感觉天气变热了很多!回顾以往的规律,清明后是真的可以把冬天衣服收起来了。都谷雨了,正好天晴,也把毛呢衣物拿去干洗。年初一的毛呢新衣只穿过一次,因为疫情就再也没穿出去过了,可能得明年才能穿了。Hermione said that this exhibition was soliciting photographs and essays. I almost lose my courage to send my photos.My purpose of participating in this activity is to use this activity to allow myself to perceive the surrounding environment of solar terms and the changes of different solar terms in the same environment. I don't know much about photography, I am just uploading stories in texts and pictures supporting my story.Since yesterday, I suddenly feel that the weather has become much hotter! Looking back at the previous rules, there is a need to put away winter clothes after Qingming. The Guyu day did not rain, and I took the woolen clothes for dry cleaning. The new woolen coat on New Year's Day was only worn once, because of the epidemic, I never worn it out again, and it may have to be worn next year.作为节气展览的策划者,我是希望参与者在自己记录的时候,也去观察和反思自己的习以为常,并且期待个人的真实经历记录在一定程度上也能够对他人产生触动。所以我说的摄影并不是专业摄影师口中的摄影。并非要设置门槛,但总还是觉得节气记录不是到时间了的交差,而是经过思考的选择以什么方式去观察自己的生活。As sa curatorof this solar term exhibition, I would hope the participant to record something with their thoughts and reflections of what they took as ordinary, and expecting the authentic personal experiences would to some extent touch someone else. So when I say photography, I do not mean the same thing as professional photograhers say. No intention to set a threshold, but I still feel solar term today is not a task with deadline, but a choice which embeds your thinking of the way you observe your own life.海南 海口 Haikou 20.0444° N, 110.1983° ELong time no outdoors, a cute alpaca看到人们可以放心去户外,还可以看到散步的动物,我就觉得生活的盼头又多了一些。不由得想起了这首泰勒·斯威夫特的歌"Soon You'll Get Better",放一个One World 现场版:Seeing that people can go to outdoors and see some animals, I will feel like there are something better ahead waiting for me. This song comes to me, and here you are:
Taylor Swift performs "Soon You'll Get Better" | One World: Together At Home