过量投料(过量加入),如已知某一成分在生产或贮存期间含量会降低,生产时可适当增加投料量,以保证在有效期内含量能符合规定。"An overageis a fixed amount of the drug substance in the dosage form that is added inexcess of the label claim." FDA Guidance Drug Product Chemistry,Manufacturing, and Controls Information 2003 Draft EMA DevelopmentPharmaceutics.
过量灌装(过量装量),是指使用时因包材的粘附而损失需要过量灌装的情况,特别是注射剂,需要考虑西林瓶/安瓿瓶,甚至针筒的粘附损失,目的是确保给药剂量。Overfill is the volume or weight of the formulation filled in eachcontainer in sliaht excess of the labeled content. Allowable excess volume mayalso be referred to as overfill. FDA Guidance Allowable Excess Volume andLabeled Vial Fill Size in Injectable Drug and Biological Products、FDA Guidance Drug ProductChemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information 2003 Draft.
化学损耗: 在样品制备及储存过程中引起药物的降解,造成药物有效含量下降。ICHQ8(R2)中指出,一般不提倡在药品生产中过量使用原料药,以补偿药品在生产或其有效期内的降解。但是有些药物稳定性极差,目前的生产工艺水平不能完全抑制其降解且降解产物不会造成安全性风险,故仍允许过量。如维生素A的制剂可允许过量20%。
ICH Q8 PharmaceuticalDevelopment
In general,use of an overage of a drug substance to compensate fordegradation during manufacture or a product's shelf life, or to extend shelflife,isdiscouraged.Any overages in the manufacture of the drug product,whether they appear in the finalformulated product or not,should be justified considering the safety and efficacy of theproduct. Information should be provided on the 1) amount of overage,2) reason for the overage (e.g.,to compensate for expected anddocumented manufacturing losses),and 3) justification for the amount of overageThe overage should be included in the amount of drug substance listed in thebatch formula (3.2.P.3.2)."
EMA Development Pharmaceutics
Overages are primarily employed to cover losses during manufactureof active substances or key excipients,i.e. manufacturing overage, and/orduring shelf-life i.e. stability overage. These can be distinguished since inthe former case there is unlikely to be increased dosage administered to thepatient, whereas thestability overage will result in overdosing where batches of product may reachthe patient soon after release.The inclusion of any overage should bejustified. Large overages (for example in excess of 10%) should not normally beused to cover up inherently unstable formulations it is better to reduce ashelf life rather than to risk exposing a patient to excessive doses of a drug.Similarly overages should not be used to cover up imprecise or inaccurateanalytical test procedures or sub-optimal manufacturing processes. Theintroduction of an overage of an active substance into a formulation shouldalways be justified on the grounds of safety and efficacy of the product. Itshould also be remembered that over dosage may be introduced by the mechanismof delivery, e.g. deposition of a metered-dose inhaled drug in the mouth.



Location Issues in Drug Product: 3.2.P,The use of an over-fillshould be indicated in 3.2.P.1. The rationale for an overfill should beincluded in 3.2.P.2.2.1.
FDA will RTR an ANDA whose subject is a parenteral drug product ifits fill volume deviates from the RLD drug product and the deviationis not permitted. ANDA parenteral drug products should contain the sameconcentration and total drug content per container as the RLD. Therefore, adeviation from the fill volume (total drug content) of the RLD parenteral drugproduct may constitute a change in strength. A change in strength mustfirst be approved via the suitability petition process before it can beproposed in an ANDA submission That is, alterations beyond overfill allowancesthat are within USP recommendations in a relevant drug product monograph.
1、250micrograms powder for solution for injection should be reconstituted with 0.72ml sterile water for injections, yielding a deliverable volume of 0.5 ml. An additionaloverfill is included in each vial to ensure that 250 µg of romiplostim can bedelivered. EMA Nplate.
2、For the 100mg vial, a 4.30 ml fill containing 107.5 mg bevacizumab (7,5% overfill)achieves delivery of 100 mg bevacizumab.EMA Avastin
[1] 浅析药物制备工艺中的“过量投料”现象—中国药审.
[4] ICH Q8 Pharmaceutical Development.
[ 5] FDA Guidance Allowable Excess Volume and Labeled Vial Fill Sizein Injectable Drug and Biological Products.
[6] EMA Avastin/ Nplate.